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"What do you mean she was never in Inazuma?" Ayato asked as he walked closer to Aether with an agitated expression

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"What do you mean she was never in Inazuma?" Ayato asked as he walked closer to Aether with an agitated expression.

This was the first time anyone has ever seen the Kamisato lord looking so nervous and bothered, but who can blame him? he has been looking for his youngest sister for five years and hasn't come up with anything on where she could be.

Heizou ignored everything around him and let his thoughts calculate what Aether meant. his theory could be true because they had already search far and wide in Inazuma only to find nothing. they had already asked ship/boat owners if their ships has been missing, but all of them said no. this meant that (Y/n) never used a ship to travel across the sea.

"Traveler, can you elaborate on what you mean by that?" Heizou asked as he took out a blank scroll and a pen.

The said blonde traveler tapped the office desk with his pointer finger, "it's like you said, you had already search in Inazuma only to find nothing, so my mind concluded she might be somewhere else..."

"But how? no ships were stolen and everything doesn't seem out of place."

"You said she didn't ran away on purpose, right? since she's not the type to leave on purpose," Paimon said.

Heizou then wrote down all the things they had already came up so far. Thoma glanced down on what he was writing and hummed, "never in my life have i ever thought of someone being missing from this type of situation."

"I agree, are you sure she's not in Inazuma? i don't think how it's possible when no transportation was used on the day she went missing," Ayato said to Aether.

"I'm not sure either, but where else could she be?

Heizou then stopped his writing and showed everyone what he has written down so far. "i know it may seem off, my lord, but i personally think traveler here is right. she's not in Inazuma, but somewhere else in Teyvat."

"How do you even know she's in Teyvat?"

That caught everyone off guard as Paimon suddenly asked that question. noticing the deadly silence, Paimon waved her arms around, "i-i mean i'm just saying, but we already know she's not in Inazuma, so there could be a chance she's not in Teyvat."

"If (Y/n) wouldn't voluntarily went missing, then there could also be a chance that someone had force her to."

"Are you saying that someone forced her to go missing for five years? that seems pretty sketchy to me.." Paimon said as she shivered from how scary that can be.

Heizou continued on scanning all the scrolls until his green eyes caught a glimpse of something, "Traveler, tell me one thing," he started which caught Aether and everyone else's attention.


"Do you know how to get to the rabbit hole?"

Darkness is something most people are afraid of

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Darkness is something most people are afraid of. where you can't see or feel anything. all you could do is stand there and let the darkness embrace your whole being. the cold air passing through your skin and the deadly silence covering your ears.

Rabbit hole.

What an odd way to call something dark and bizarre. usually when people are asked if they know anything about the rabbit hole, they would immediately answer that it's some hole that rabbits dug up.

Is it really?

A hole that has no ending and where anyone can easily lose themselves. similar to a black hole, the hole sucks you up until you don't know how much time has pass by.

Seems real frightening if you think about it.

When you go down the rabbit hole, you don't know where you're going. you don't know how much time has pass by, and you don't know how to get out.

You're stuck.



The rabbit hole is an unpredictable thing. you can think about falling to your death and the next, you think about what you want to eat.

When Heizou asked Aether if he knows how to get to the rabbit hole, it confused everyone. what's a rabbit hole? what does he mean getting to the rabbit hole? is this some kind of metaphor or play on words?

"Rabbit hole?"

Nodding, Heizou took out another scroll and showed it to everyone.

"A rabbit hole is what i call it or that's what others call it if they believe in it." taking the scroll, Paimon paled as she read a warning on the scroll.

Warning: once you go down the rabbit hole, there's no going back

"The rabbit hole is some myth that was part of a fairytale, but adding all the clues we had wrote down, it seems to conclude to the rabbit hole. she's not in Inazuma, but she never left by using any transportation."

Aether looked at Paimon and it seemed the two has thought of the same thing.

"You know, this reminds me of something."

Looking at both of the travelers, "what does it remind you of?" Thoma asked.

"This reminds me of the abyss for some reason..."

"The abyss?"

Ayato glared at the floor when he heard about the abyss, "the abyss is like a border between the monsters or demons and the mortal world. if i were you, i don't recommend messing with the abyss."

"If she did end up being in the abyss or rabbit hole, how does she even get there? i'm sure (Y/n) isn't the type to mess with those kind of things," Heizou claimed.

"That's one of the things we aren't sure about," Thoma said with a frown.

Everyone else nodded in agreement until Aether raised his hand to catch everyone's attention.

"I know someone that knows more about the abyss."

Paimon tilted her head until her mind clicked into that person. "him!? we haven't seen him in so long, how can we even get his help when he shows up randomly. it could take us months to see him again."

Aether sighed, "he's the only one we know that can help us on the abyss or the rabbit hole, unless you got a better idea..."

"Who are you talking about?"

Aether and Paimon glanced at each other then back at Heizou who looked confused, as well as Thoma and Ayato.

"An acquaintance of ours, he knows about the abyss better than any of us, i'm sure he can help us find your missing person," Aether answered.

"Really? if i may ask, but can we trust this person?"

Paimon nodded, "i mean he has helped us a few times before, so i'm sure you guys can trust him."

"Do we know this person?" Thoma asked this time.

Aether shook his head, "i don't think so, but once you guys meet him, hopefully he can be a big help on this case."

"What's his name?" Heizou asked as he walked up to the traveler and Paimon. then Aether said his name which made Paimon shivered.


(not edited)

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