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Sal's past

"Mom! Dere's a puppy barking!" I giggled as my mother turned to look at me. "Oh? Do you want to see the puppy?" I nodded excitedly. "Okay, let's wait for your father to come back." I sighed and sat down. A minute later father came back. "Honey, your son wants to go see the barking dog, can you take him?" Father nodded. I quickly stood up. "Let's go Sal." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the dog. Before we got to it father realized something was wrong with the 'dog' and he quickly walked me back to mother. "Dad? Why can't we go to the puppy?" Father shook his head. "Sal, that is no dog."


"Sal! Wake up!" I was violently being shook awake and I glared at my mom. "Really?" She smiled. "We're here!" I quickly shot up. I looked outside the car window. I read the sign out loud. "Welcome to Nockfell." Mother did her annoying squeals and me and father covered our ears. Then when she was done we both chuckled. "Where are we staying at, Dad?" He smiled and turned somewhere. "Addison Apartments." Then it was right there. "Oh..!" Once he parked I grabbed gizmo and we walked in. Since it was summer I had my hair in my iconic pigtails. It was fun to feel them bounce around everytime I moved my head. There was a door that read 'Addison' on it. So my dad knocked. "One second!" Someone was moving around then the door opened. "Oh! Hello! That's some new faces!" The guy had a big smile on and he looked pretty nice. He stepped out of his apartment. "I'm Terrance!" My father smiled. "Hello Terrance, I'm Henry. This is my wife, Diane, and son, Sal." Terrance smiled at all of us. "Do you want to move in?" My father nodded. Terrance almost started jumping. "Finally someone new! One second please!"

It's been at least 2 hours since we moved in and we got all the boxes upstairs in our apartment. We've been unboxing some of them. My mom walked in. "Hey, Sal, how about you take a break and go look around. Make some friends." I nodded. "Sure." I walked out of my room. I then walked out of the apartment. I walked to the old looking elevator and started to meet people.

"Hi! I'm Lisa." She smiled and continued to clean the floor. "Hi, I'm Sal." She looked up and smiled widely at me. "You're such a pretty boy. You must of just moved in, in room 402?" I nodded. She continued cleaning. "I have a son, Larry. I think he's about your age. You should go see him." She gave me a basement card. "It was nice meeting you Sal." I nodded. "It was nice meeting you too." I walked to the elevator and inserted the basement card. Once I got to the basement I walked into the apartment at the end of the hall. There was a door that looked like a door for a teenager. I knocked. "Come in!" I heard a sort of deep voice say. I opened the door and walked in. "Woah, was expecting my mom. Hi dude." I smiled. "Hi, I'm Sal." He grinned. "Larry. I think we'll be awesome friends. I mean, you're pretty awesome looking." I chuckled. "Thanks, you look pretty awesome too." We both started laughing.

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