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"Make another move, with that freak, we'll tell your father." The dumb church boy yanked my hair back. I grumbled. "Fine." He yanked my hair again. "We better not even SEE you NEAR him. Fucking fag." He let go and walked away. I rubbed my head and rolled my eyes. Fucking hate them so much. I'll just have to tell Sal, my own way.


I closed my locker and walked towards Ash and Larry. When I turned the corner I bumped into someone. "Watch it." Travis stared at me. He then nudged me with his hand. "Sorry." I grabbed the paper and put it in my pocket. He walked away. Somethings wrong. While I was walking towards Ash and Larry I saw someone in the distance. It was almost like, he was watching me. Wait, that was the guy Travis beat up near the bathrooms. He said he was a uh.. Church.. Boy? Oh! He's from his father's church.. OH! I rolled my eyes and walked towards Ash and Larry. "Hey! We totally watched you run into Travis." Larry grinned. "Yep.. I did." We walked into the art classroom.

"May I go to the restroom?" About 15 minutes in class I asked to go to the bathroom. "Fine. But hurry Sal." I nodded and walked out. I grabbed the paper from my pocket and unfolded it.

The dumb church boys found out that you are helping me get out of the house and escape. They haven't told my father yet, but they will if they catch us together. I don't know what to do yet, but, if you would turn around, we can talk about it. Now.

What? "Turn around dumbass." I heard the bathroom door shut. "Oh." I turned around. Travis leaned against the bathroom door. "Wait.. How did you.." Travis chuckled. "How did I know you were going to the bathroom? I watched you." I blinked. "Okay.. Weird.. Anyways, so they're basically watching your every move?"  Travis nodded. "Yeah. I had a free period this period but they don't, so that was pretty lucky. But how will we talk, Sal?" I thought for a moment. "Here?" Travis shrugged. "What if people are in here when we try to talk? Or what if they were in here." I continued to think some more. "What about my apartments?" Travis shook his head. "Father doesn't let me go anywhere anymore. Not after he saw you. He won't even let me go to Phillip's." I groaned. Travis grinned at that. "Fuck you." He chuckled. "Okay.. Then you'll escape tonight." Travis blinked. "Uhm.. What?!" I nodded. "Your father goes to church on Thursdays. Am I right? Your mother is always out at bars. So.." Travis sighed. "It could work. But what about after that? If I go to school father will just look for me." I stared at him. "Then, stick with me. If he ever comes to the school, we'll run to the apartments." Travis rolled his eyes. "Fine." I grinned. "7 pm. Be ready." I grabbed his chin and pulled him down to my level. "We will, pull this off." I walked past Travis and walked out the door.

"Ash? Can we talk? Privately?" Ash turned and stared at me. "Sure?" We both stood up and walked out of Larry's apartment. "What's up?" I sighed. "I haven't.. Been honest about some things.." Ash stared at me. "Like..?" I nodded. "Okay.. Well.."

"And, that's what's happening right now." Ash blinked. "I knew I saw Travis hand you something! That's so fucking messed up dude. I can't believe a dude who owns a church abuses his own son and his mother doesn't do shit!" I nodded. "I plan to help him escape.. In an hour." Ash nodded. "I'll help you. Do you want me to tell Larry?" I shook my head. "He'll make problems worse." Ash sighed. "This is fucking crazy, and dangerous Sal. You better know what you're doing." I nodded hesitantly. "IF, you don't call me by 7:30 that you are both out of the house and made it successfully I will tell Larry, and I will call the cops." I nodded. "But, if I'm fine at 7:30 and just haven't left yet, I'll tell you." Ash nodded. "You fucking better Sal. I believe in you though." She smiled. "You got this." I nodded. "I fucking hope I do."

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