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Before I just up and ran at the house I checked to make sure there wasn't a car. I sighed. My heart was beating so loud. Here we go. I knocked on the front door. Travis quickly opened it. "Let's hurry this up. Please?" I nodded. "I brought my bag too." Travis lead me upstairs. He handed me a lot of clothes and I put it in my bag. Travis put some in his, too. I heard a dog bark. "You have a dog?" Travis quickly nodded. "Shit.. Can we take him?" I nodded. "Sure. My mother always-" We heard a car door slam. "Fuck.." I quickly put my bag on and hid under Travis' bed. The door opened and shut. "Travis!! I forgot my purse! Have you seen it?!" His mother shouted up the stairs. "Oh! I think it is uh- Oh!! It's on the kitchen counter mom!" We heard something slide off the counter. "I'll be back later! Don't do any stupid shit!" The door slammed shut. I quickly got out from under the bed. "Wait for the car engine disappear.." We waited then quickly ran downstairs when it was gone. Travis grabbed a leash on the coat hook. We ran to the backyard and grabbed his dog then ran. I pulled my phone out and called Ash. "Hey! We had a small problem. But we're leaving now!" I heard Ash cheer. "I knew you could do it Sal! I sorta already told Larry. We're playing video games right now." I rolled my eyes. "Of course you did. We'll enter through the back, then."

I opened the basement door and Travis walked down the stairs. I followed behind and closed them behind me. "Is that a dog!?" Larry quickly stood up. I rolled my eyes. "No, it's a fucking lizard." Ash giggled as the dog licked her face. "Ha ha very funny Sal. I'll go get him some water." Larry then left. "What's his name?" Travis smiled. "Renzo. I named him." Ash continued to pet him. Larry came back with a bowl of water. Renzo ran up to him. "Hi.. Dog." I rolled my eyes. "Smart you are, Larry." Larry grinned. "I know." He set down the bowl and sat on his bed. "Hey, Travis?" Larry looked at him. "Yeah?" Larry sighed. "Dude- I uh- Sorry. That I'm always so mean to you. I never realized you had such a hard time at home.. Sorry dude." Travis shrugged. "You trying to fight me is no problem compared to my dad throwing me at a table." We all looked at him. "Uh.. I was used to it?" I grumbled. "Your dad is such a dick!" Travis shrugged. Larry spoke up. "Video games?" I grinned. Travis nodded. "Sure."

"See you guys tomorrow!" Me and Travis left and Larry waved goodbye. Renzo happily followed behind us. "Hope my dad doesn't mind the uh.. Company.." Travis chuckled. "At least he's probably not any worse than mine." I smiled. "Yeah.. My mother has been wanting to meet you." The elevator went up and I pet Renzo. "Hope she'll want to meet a dog too." I chuckled. "I was trying to say earlier that my mom has been wanting a dog. But my father kept saying no. Now he can't." Travis laughed. The elevator doors opened. We walked into my apartment. My mother and father were on the couch with gizmo. "Oh- uh- Hi, Mr. And Mrs. Fisher?" Mother quickly stood up. "Is that him!?" I slowly nodded. She squealed. "Travis! Hi! I'm so glad to meet you!" Renzo happily walked over to father. "Hello, dog." I chuckled. "Larry said the same thing." I walked over to my dad and mom and Travis followed. Father paused the TV. "So, this is the boy you saved from that dick." I nodded. "Well, get comfortable, kid. Because I doubt you'll want to go there any time soon." My father smiled. I was shocked at his reaction. I smiled. "Thanks, dad." Mother smiled. "Such a handsome boy. Are you hungry?" Both Travis and Renzo looked at her. "I'm talking to both of you!" I chuckled. "Can dogs eat cat food?" Me and father looked at each other and shrugged. "It's not very good for them, but we don't have dog food at the moment. So, he'll have to eat it for tonight." I nodded and walked in my room to get the food.

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