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Tonight was Neil's party so I was at Neil's helping him get ready. Ash and Larry were here too. Todd was also here since Neil's his boyfriend. Todd and Neil are such an amazing couple. They're so cute together. I also think that Ashley and Phillip would be a cute couple. Phillip was here too. He has blue hair like me, but it's just shorter. "Hey Phillip." Phillip smiled and waved at me. "Hey Sal. My twin!" Phillip laughed and I smiled and chuckled. "My twin!" Larry walked in and threw a slice of cheese at me. "Haha! You got the cheese touch bitch!" Larry pointed a cheese at me and posed like he was going to stab me with the cheese. I rolled my eyes and Phillip chuckled. "I'm going to shove this cheese so far up your ass you won't even know what fucking happened!!" I grabbed the cheese off the floor and started chasing Larry while he ran for his life.


Phillip invited me to another stupid party that Neil was having. I don't even really know the guy other than he's dating that Todd dude. That means I'll probably see faggot Sal and his faggot friends. I didn't really want to go but I also didn't want to stay home with my dad. Mother was either at work or bar half the time. If.. If I'm being honest.. I'm jealous.. Of Sal. He has a wonderful mom, and dad. They both care about him and love him and he loves them. Not to mention Sal isn't ugly or anything. He's decently tall. I think he's close to being 5'6? He also has nice facial features and a good body. If he maybe changed his hair style I feel like girls would love him. It's not like I'm bad either but because of my father.. I always have a fucking bruise on my face. Me and Phillip had to act like I was sleeping over at his place so I could go to the party. I'll probably stay at his place anyways since I don't plan to sleep there. I sighed and started walking downstairs.


Even though the party started I still tried to chase Larry around. I even got a few other people to throw cheese at him if they saw him. "Larry where the fuck did you-" I wasn't looking directly in front of me and ran into someone. I stepped back and looked at them. "Sorry!" She looked up at me and rolled her eyes. "Oh- You're kinda hot~!" She continued to stare at me which started to make me uncomfortable. "Er.. I'll just be on my way now.." I took a few steps back and this bitch followed me. I then bumped into someone else. I felt their eyes hover on my head. Then they glared at the girl. "Fuck off." I recognized that voice too well. The girl rolled her eyes. "What you gonna do about it?! I found him first!" He chuckled. "He's been my problem for 2 years. Fuck. Off." He grabbed my wrist. She huffed. "You gay freaks are so gross!" She walked away. I turned around and stared at Travis. "Thanks." He rolled his eyes. "Like I said, you've been my problem for 2 years." He slightly bent down next to my ear. "And I plan to keep you as only my problem." He chuckled and walked away. I grinned. "Fucking Phelps." I chuckled under my breath. Now, where is Larry. I have a cheese to fucking shove up his ass.

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