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My heart stopped. "Travis?!" He turned around. A tear rolled down his face. "I told you.. I promised.. Didn't I?" I quickly ran up to him and hugged him. Travis gently wrapped his arms around me. "How are you.. Aren't you.." Travis slightly chuckled. "No.. Father did that to be a douche. After the school year ended I escaped and moved away. I wanted to see you, I truly did. But, I got in touch with Neil, he said you guys were going here today. I missed you." Tears rolled  down my face. "I fucking missed you so much!" I continued to hug Travis tightly. "I know.. I'm sorry." I looked into Travis' eyes. He was crying yet smiling. "Travis. I fucking love you." Travis continued to smile. "I love you too." He then leaned in and kissed me. He then leaned his head against mine and laughed. "Let's go." I smiled and Travis grabbed my hand.

"Welcome back from the dead. Phelps." Larry waved and Travis sat down next to me. "Oh, Larry. There's someone who wants to meet you." Larry's eyes brightened. "Meet.. Me?!" Travis nodded. "Yeah. Let me call her." Larry brightened more. "HER!?!!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Yes.. Her." Travis got out his phone and called someone.


"Hey." "Hm? Hey Trav." "Hey Chandra." I could see Larry still beaming in front of me. "What's up? You need a ride home?" I chuckled. "No, but I found Larry." I heard Chandra giggle. "Really? So you found Sal?" I smiled. "Yeah. Do you want to meet Larry tomorrow?" Chandra giggled again. "Sure! Can I bring my brother? He wants to meet uh.. Ashley? Or was it Ash.." I rolled my eyes. "Ash." Chandra giggled. "Right. Ash. Sorry, but can I?" "Sure. I'll send the location tonight." Chandra cheered. "Alright! Can't wait. And I can't wait to meet your little boyfriend!" I chuckled. "Bye Chandra." Larry continued to beam. "Is she nice?! Is she hot!?" I rolled my eyes. "Guess you'll have to wait." I stood up. "Can I stay with you guys for the rest of the time.. And when you go back to nockfell?" Neil nodded. "Sure. Don't want to split you and your boyfriend apart." Sal groaned. "Shut up!" I looked at Ash. "By the way, Chandra has a brother. He wants to meet you." Ash smiled. "Alright! Sounds fun." I smiled and the rest of them stood up. "Let's get going. We've seen the stars and I'm tired." I nodded. "Yeah"

Me and Travis walked into our room and his stuff was already there. He must of stopped by before he went to the beach. Then Larry burst in. "Slumber party losers!!!" He ran to our bed and tossed himself on it. Travis chuckled. Travis then whistled for Renzo and Renzo came running. "Renzo, sit." Travis pointed at Larry and Renzo jumped up on the couch then sat on Larry. Travis smirked then Renzo farted on Larry. "BRO!! WHAT?!" Larry quickly stood up and ran out of the room. Renzo barked and chased after Larry thinking they were playing. "SOMEONE GET THIS FART DOG AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Sal giggled and shut the door. "He'll be fine." I nodded. "Yeah." Sal jumped on the bed and plopped down. I smiled and sat down next to him. "Well, let's get to sleep. Chandra really wants to meet you." Sal smiled. "I can't wait."


"I can't wait to meet them!" Ash giggled and got in the Jeep. I was between Ash and Larry. Travis was riding in the back because he really wanted to for some reason. Once we got to the beach again Travis quickly jumped out. He ran up to two people and hugged them. That must be them.

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