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"HE WHAT?!" Larry and Ashley looked at me. I slightly chuckled. "Yeah.." Ash squealed. "You know I always thought you and Travis could be a couple! I would've fell on my knees if someone did that!!" Larry rolled his eyes. "Of course you would! You're a girl. Sal's a guy. Not to mention, Travis is a dick!" Ash grumbled. "A hot dick!" Me and Larry stared at her. "Uh.. Okay." Larry shrugged. "How is a dick.. Hot?" I chuckled at Larry's dumb question. I then threw cheese at his face. "Loser." Larry sighed. "How rude!" Ash laughed. "Shove that up your ass while it's on your face." Larry grumbled and ate the cheese. "Ew dude."

I walked in my apartment and mother was on the couch. "Hey Sal! How was your party?" I smiled and sat down next to her. "It was good." She smiled. "I love you son." I chuckled. "I love you too mom." She continued on, "How did I get lucky with such a wonderful boy? You're so handsome!" I giggled. "Thanks, mom." She smiled. "Now, help me with dinner?" I smed and nodded. "Sure. Should we invite Larry and Lisa?" "Already did."


I thought I was going to get my head chopped off when I got home. I was like 5 minutes late because I had to walk since Phillip couldn't drive me back, so my father was pissed, since I made us late to church. "You're so fucking useless. Not even your mother loves you." I shrugged. "I know. It's not like I expect either of you to." He then slammed my head into the wall. "Say shit like that again, I dare you." I sighed and nodded. "I won't. Sorry sir." My mother scoffed. "Such a disappointment." Father let go of me and they walked into their bedroom. I walked upstairs into my room. I slumped onto the floor and leaned against the door. "Fucking christ." I gently held my necklace on my neck. Once high school is over. I'll move out. Go to college. Get a job. A house. And live a decent life. Away from these fuck jobs.


Mondays fucking suck. I yawned in most of my classes but I still got through the day. It was now lunch. Another problem about Mondays was that it was bologna day. Not to also mention, I've had girls crawling all over me because of my damn hair. I know Larry said I would get someone before the end of the year, but Jesus. It's not even like any of them are my type. They're just the typical popular girl or girls that think they're all that. Once I sat down next to Ash and Todd Larry chuckled. "What did I say dude! You just needed a change in hair style!" I yawned. "That's great and all, but I don't want girls asking to date me in every class." Phillip walked by. "What's it like to be girl famous?" I chuckled. "Horrible." Phillip laughed. "It's not too bad. Then again I'm used to it." I rolled my eyes. "Well I'll let you deal with that. I'm going back to my pigtails tomorrow." Phillip smiled. "You know who's been looking at you, like all day right?!" I shrugged. "No?" Phillip gestured his head at Travis. "Oh." I chuckled. Phillip grinned. "Yeah. I've noticed them staring." He winked and walked away. No one realized who Phillip was talking about but me. That's why he called Travis a them. I smiled. I wonder what that dork is thinking right now. I also wonder what he looks like, without a big ass bruise on his eye. Or, I wonder if his hair is naturally blonde. It doesn't look very natural since he has beautiful brown skin. "Earth to Sal!" I blinked. "Huh?" I turned and looked at Larry. "Who are you even staring at?" I chuckled. "The uh- hot and dashing wall." Larry gasped. "How hot is the wall?!" I grinned. "Very hot!"

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