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"Sal! You're going to be late dear." Mother was at the side of my bed. I yawned. "What time is it!?" She slightly laughed. "Well, 8:30." "Shit-" mother shook her head. "Sorry. I meant uh- crap!" I stood up and stretched. "I'll let you get ready dear." Mother then walked out.

I had to basically sprint the whole way to school. I saw Larry and Todd when they were only a few feet away from the building. "Oh- Morning!" Larry chuckled. I grumbled. "Shut up." Todd grinned. "You forgot your pigtails." I groaned. "Fucking christ!" I then felt something hit my chest. "Huh?" I looked down and there were two hair ties. "Dude how did two hair ties magically smack you in the chest?" Larry looked amazed and I looked up quick enough to see his blonde hair. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Must be my lucky day." Larry chuckled. "Guess it is." We then walked into the building.

I stretched in my seat and got comfortable. I was mostly waiting for the class to get over to thank Travis. "Alright class, that's where we'll stop for today." Mrs. Packerton said. "You may talk for the rest of the time." I stood up and walked to Travis. "Thanks." He looked up and grinned. "Whatever. It was fun throwing hair ties at you." I rolled my eyes. "Of course it was." Travis then smiled. "I've never seen you smile before." Travis chuckled. "Because you never look properly." I sat down in a chair next to him. "Well, for two years I was too busy wondering why you hated me to see you smile." Travis shrugged. "I guess." I then remembered that I wanted to ask about his hair. "Is your hair naturally blonde?" Travis nodded. "My mom has the skin. My dad has the hair." I chuckled. "Who has the bruise?" Travis stopped smiling. "Uhm.. My father." He stood up and grabbed his bag and left. What did that mean?.. What?.


If he finds out what I'm talking about he'll ask more about it. I slammed the bathroom stall door and started panicking. Why did I tell him that?! It's just going to make things worse. It's not like Sal is stupid, so he'll probably figure it out by the end of the day. God dammit you're so dumb Travis! I covered my face with my eyes. Then the door opened. "I saw you come in here, freak." It was one of the church boys. "Fuck off Lukas." He pounded on my door. "Open the door!!" I grumbled and stood up. Maybe fighting someone would make me feel better. I swung the door open and punched him before he could hit me. "Fuck off." He tried to punch me but I blocked it. I punched him in the gut.


People were huddled around the bathrooms. I saw Larry and Ash and ran over to them. "What's happening?" They looked at me. "Travis and some dude Lukas are fighting." Really? "Really? Let me see." Larry moved so I could see. I couldn't tell if Travis or the other guy was winning. Travis had a grin plastered on his face. He didn't even look hurt. The other guy looked fucked up. The guy punched Travis in the stomach and Travis ended up coughing up a bit of blood. He's messing up his organs because Travis is protecting his face. God dammit Phelps. I rushed through the crowd and helped Travis stand up properly. "Where the fuck are the teachers?!" I glared at the fucko in front of me. "Fuck off." He chuckled. "Why should I? You're the one who just stepped in. Fucking freaks." I grinned and kicked him in the rib hard. "Fight me then, pussy."

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