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I got grounded, for the rest of the school year, and got suspended for a week. Woo. My parents did forget about my extra phone I had. I opened up the group.

S:Hey guys
A:Aren't you grounded?
L:Yeah, I saw you get scolded
S:Well yeah, I am grounded. Just have a extra phone
A:Of course you do
T:Can you guys shut up I'm trying to read
L:read what
T:Shut up
A:See you soon Sal
L:See ya buddy
S:Bye guys.

I put my phone under my clothes and groaned. This is so fucking boring. Then I heard the apartment phone ring. I sighed and walked over to it. "Hello?" "Hey! It's Lisa, since your grounded, would you like to help me work? Terrence will pay you 5 bucks a hour." I grinned. "Sure! Where are you?" "First floor. See you soon." Lisa then hung up. I smiled and put my shoes on. "Renzo, Giz, I'll be back!" I opened the door and left. Maybe this won't be too bad.

"Sal, wake up. You're going back to school. It's Monday." Mother gently shook me awake and she still had a towel around her hair. "Okay." I yawned and stood up. She smiled and walked out of the apartment. Last week I got a total of 150 ish bucks. Terrence said he'll pay me by the end of this month. I was actually pretty excited. I'll still help Lisa after school and on the weekends since I can't help her all week like last week.

"Hey Sal, how was being suspended?" Larry asked me while we walked to school with Todd. "Well, pretty fun. I got to work with your mom all week. Got some cash." Larry chuckled. "Yeah, she told me about that. She said it was pretty fun, and funny." I chuckled. "Yeah, I sorta broke Todd's sink and she had to fix it then I accidentally turned it on and we got soaked." Todd and Larry laughed. "You're dumb as hell!" I chuckled a bit with them. "Thanks." Once we got in the building I got a few stares. Nothing new. "Hey, what happened to the two nitwits?" Larry chuckled. "They're still in the fucking hospital dude!" I laughed. "Really?!" He nodded. "Well, see ya in art dude." I nodded. "See ya."

It's the last week of school. Everything's been going by so fast. I have like 300-400 dollars now and Lisa is going to pay me a bit more just since she's Lisa. Mom decided to unground me since my grades are good and I haven't been getting into anymore fights. That she knows of. Larry nudged me during lunch. "Neil's having a party this weekend. We're going right?" I nodded. "Duh. It's Neil, why wouldn't we go to his party?!" Larry shrugged. "Last party we went to, you chased me with cheese." I nodded. "And I ran into Travis." Larry slightly smiled. "I really miss the dude." I nodded. "It still hurts, since he promised he would come back." Larry gently hugged me. "Sorry dude."

On the last day of school we did basically nothing. Then again before everyone left they threw their papers everywhere. I didn't since the janitors would want to quit even if I did or didn't. Larry did though. Then later that day we had the graduation. Larry acted like he accidentally tripped, then flipped everyone off and took his diploma and ran. Then he actually tripped. Lisa was pretty embarrassed that he was her son. I always chuckled at that.

"Alright Renzo and Giz, this is your new home. We even have a backyard!" Renzo barked happily and walked around. He then ran upstairs because he could smell Todd and Neil up there. I chuckled and pulled out my phone.

S:Larry when you moving in?
L:Probably next week, mom wants so spend some time with me.
S:I understand that, it's pretty nice here.
L:I bet, can't wait to move in dude!

I chuckled and put my phone in my pocket. In 3 months, I'll be going to college. With Larry, and Todd. I just won't see them often. Maybe me and Larry can work at McDonalds together. That's not a bad idea.. We get free food.. And money.. I chuckled. I'm so stupid.

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