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"Oh- Shit. Sorry Travis. Your dad called afterward. 5 days. He's giving me 5 days to give you back." Travis groaned. "Goddamnit. We'll figure something out together." Travis held out his hand and I grabbed it. "Together." I smiled and nodded.

We spoke to mother and father. Our best options are to move.. Or give Travis back. "Sal. I'll just go back." Travis looked into my eyes. "No you fucking won't!" I glared at Travis. "Sal, I can't stay here. It will only cause your family harm. We will, meet again one day." Travis slightly smiled. "I promise." He gently grabbed my hands and held them in his. "Keep Renzo. He's happy here." I shook my head. "You can't be serious-" Travis nodded. "I am. Keep Renzo safe, give him a happy life, and I'll go back. Please Sal. Promise me you won't do any stupid shit." I stared into Travis' eyes and started crying. "God.. Fine Travis.." Travis smiled and hugged me. "I promise we will meet again Sal. I love you."

I watched Travis walk back up the steps. The last time he was on those steps were to leave that place forever. Damnit..


I knocked on the door. Father quickly opened it. "Welcome back. Freak." He chuckled and I sighed. "Yup.." I shakily walked in the house and he slammed the door behind me. "So you decided to dye your hair? Guess I have a lot of work to do." Father chuckled and I froze. Shit.


It's been a month since Travis left, we haven't seen him since. That was, until we heard what happened. "Did you hear?" Someone spoke to someone else. "No?" They shook their head. "I heard Travis Phelps killed himself. His father announced it at the church." That's when I stopped listening to them. I pulled out my phone and text the group.

S:Guys.. Have you heard what people are talking about?!
A:yes.. It's heartbreaking.
L:What's happening? I didn't feel well today.
T:.. They're saying Travis killed himself.
L:WHAT?! Why would he do that?!
A:Well.. When you have a father like that.. What else is there for an escape?
S:I want to puke.
T:Do you need help Sal?
A:We can help you home if you want?.
S:I'll be in the bathroom for now.

I turned off my phone and stood up. "Where do you think you're going, Fisher?" The teacher looked up at me. "Bathroom." The teacher continued to stare at me. "We are in the middle of a test!" I rolled my eyes. "That sucks. I just figured out my friend killed himself. Which is fucking worse!? Hm?!" I grabbed my bag and walked out of the class. I quickly walked into the bathroom and started crying.

S:guys I'm going home. See you later.
A:Bye Sal.. Get better.
T:Bye Sal. I can bring some of Neil's soup later, if you want.
L:I can come up when you get to the apartments. We can play video games or I can help you sleep or you can watch me draw :]
S:Thanks guys. And sure Lar. You can come up.
L:Alright. See you soon buddy.

I walked in the apartment and sighed. Mother probably already got the mail but I checked just in case. I then walked to the elevator and stepped in once the doors opened. I sighed and waited for them to open again. Once they did I walked to my apartment and unlocked it. I walked in and took my bag off. Then I walked over to the couch. Renzo and gizmo walked in and got comfortable next to me.

S:I'm home.
L:Alright. Omw.

I leaned against the couch and started crying again. He promised. He fucking promised he would be back.. Fuck...

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