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I didn't tell anyone about what my mom told me, since they would probably not like the idea. I walked to school with Larry and Todd like any other normal day. "Did you hear? Travis got suspended for a week." I looked at Larry who was talking to Todd. "He did? I mean it's not surprising." Todd pushed his glasses up to his face. "What about the other guy?" Larry looked at me and thought for a moment. "I think they said since he did do internal damage that he's being suspended for 2 weeks. His parents were probably pissed!" Larry chuckled. I rolled my eyes and we mostly walked in silence the rest of the way.

I closed my locker and almost shit myself. "Oh- Oops." I slammed my head on my locker and sighed. "OOPS?!" Travis chuckled. "Oops." I then looked at him. "I thought you were supposed to be suspended until next week?" He shrugged. "I was but they checked the cameras and realized that he's the one who caused the fight because I was in the bathroom. So my parents yelled at the principal to let me back." I learned against the lockers and looked at him. "I know what you meant.." Travis looked at me. "About what?" I sighed. "About your father. 'Who has the bruise?'" Travis stared at me. "Oh.. That.." I could tell he was uncomfortable. "My mother, was your dad's ex." Travis shifted on his feet. "Can we talk about this, not in the open?" I nodded. "Sure." I gently grabbed his hand and walked towards the doors to go outside to the bleachers.

We sat down and Travis nodded. "So, your mother knew my father." I nodded. "Yeah, she told me he used to abuse her, so she left him when she could. She told me that's probably what's happening to.. You." Travis started to tear up. "M-My mother.. She doesn't even love me either." He covered his eyes with his hands and started crying. "Travis.. I'm so sorry. I promise I'll help you.." He started sobbing. I gently pulled away his hands and hugged him. He hugged me back. "Thank you.. Fisher.." I slightly smiled and he continued to cry on my shoulder. "It's no problem. We can stay like this for awhile, if you want." Travis sniffled. "Thank you."

I stretched out on Larry's beanbag. "Comfortable much?" Larry stared at me and I chuckled. "Of course I am!" He rolled his eyes. "I got the snacks losers!!" Ash tossed snacks up the treehouse. "Fuck yeah!" Larry grabbed some chips and started munching away. Ash climbed up and sat down on a beanbag next to me. She looked at me. "How come we didn't see you in art?" I blinked. "Uh- Oh, I was outside." Larry looked at me suspiciously. "Why?" I shrugged. "It was, nice out?" "Hm.. Okay.." He continued to stare at me and Ash chuckled. "Anyways, apparently Travis was able to come back to school today. I didn't see him though." I nodded. "Yeah I heard someone say that." Larry groaned. "We can never get a break from his ass can we?!?"


"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!" I shouted at my father but all he did was slap me across the face. "Shut the hell up!!!" Tears ran down my face. "You're such a fucking freak." He shoved me and I hit the table and slid down it. I choked on my words. "I'm sorry.. I'm not the fucking perfect son you two want!!" Mother chuckled. "Atleast he knows he's a nobody." My father chuckled at what my mother said. "Of course he does. He's not stupid. He's just useless." I covered my face with my hands. "We'd be better off he just died." My father slapped his belt across my chest and I fell on the ground and curled up into a ball. "Fucking useless."

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