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"Dude! Neil's having another party, this one is just for fun. Not like a Halloween one we had a month back." I nodded. "Neil throws the best parties." Larry nodded. "Agreed!" Me and Larry were currently walking home from school. "Crazy how we only have one more year left of school.. And that's this year!" Larry sighed and I nodded. "Aren't you planning to get an art degree in college?" Larry nodded. "Yeah. I'll probably go to the city with Ash." I groaned. "So I'll be stuck here with the two lovebirds?!" Larry laughed. "Are you saying it's a bad thing to live with Neil and Todd?!" Larry acted offended. "No, but I haven't ever dated anyone." Larry chuckled. "Don't give up dude! You still have the rest of the year to find someone!" I sighed. "I guess."

"Out of my way! Fucking fag!" I instantly got shoved to the locker. "Can you not? Just for fucking once, Phelps?!" Travis stopped and turned. "Shut it, I mean, look at yourself for once, your a fucking freak. A whole circus." I glared at Travis. "How am I any worse than you? You always have the ugliest bruise on your face." Travis scoffed. "You have no fucking idea Fisher. Stay out of it." Travis shoved his hands into his pockets and walked away. I leaned against the locker and sighed. I then walked towards the art class.

"Larry! Ash! Over here!" I was standing under the tree waiting to go eat with Larry and Ashley. "Hey Sal. I swear you grow more everyday." I chuckled. Larry nodded. "What if he becomes taller than me. Gasp." Larry did a dramatic gasp and I giggled. "I doubt it. I'll probably stop growing soon." Larry nodded like a bobblehead. "You better! Now let's go I'm hungry!" Me and Ash rolled our eyes and we all started walking towards Ashley's car.

We met up with Todd and Neil at the restaurant. They were already in the restaurant and were in a seat. We sat down with them and we had a good time. I was now back home playing video games in Larry's apartment. Dad was working late again and mom was hanging out with Lisa. Since today was Friday they were probably going to talk for a while. "Hey Sal?" I turned and looked at Larry. "Yeah?" Larry paused the game. "Sal, do you ever wonder where you would have been if that dog person actually attacked you and your mother?" Larry asked me. "All the time Lar, all the time." I stared at Larry and he shrugged. "What do you think would've happened?" "Well, I remember my father said he saw a shotgun nearby the tree sorta covered by the grass. So, I believe if he wasn't there, and me and mother went up to it, either she, or I, would be dead." Larry nodded. "I'm sorry dude. That would've been traumatizing." I shrugged. "At least it didn't happen. So I'll never know if it would be traumatizing or not." Larry nodded. "Oh, Ash told me you told her Travis was being a dick again today." I chuckled. "Yeah. I'm fine though. He's probably jealous I have such a good face." Larry laughed. "Yeah. Have you ever tried your hair down? Or a different hairstyle?" I shrugged. "No." Larry chuckled. "You should try it down next week." I nodded. "Sure Larry." Larry then unpaused the game. "Get ready to die dumbass!" I chuckled. "Not unless you die first idiot!!!"

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