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It was Saturday and I woke up in the treehouse with Larry and Ash. Larry had snacks piled all over his stupid body. I stood up and kicked him. "HUH?! IS THERE A MURDER?!" I rolled my eyes. "Oh. Oops." I walked over to Ashley and gently shook her awake. "Oh, morning Sal." I chuckled. "How come you wake her up all nice and I get kicked?!? Obviously choosing favorites." Larry sniffled. "Shut up you big baby." Larry sniffled some more and I groaned and walked back over to him. I gave him a hug and it felt like he was trying to kill me. "I- CaN't- brEAthe-" Larry let me go. "Oops." Ash chuckled. "Lunch is ready!!" Lisa shouted up the treehouse and Larry almost fell down the treehouse because he was so excited. Me and Ash looked at each other and shook our heads.

"Nom nom nom" Larry was very happy to be eating. "Hi mom." My mother was on the couch watching the news. "Hi Sal. What was it like sleeping in a treehouse?" She walked over and sat down next to me. "It wasn't bad, didn't even realize I fell asleep though." She chuckled. "Of course you didn't." Lisa ruffled Larry's hair. "Quit eating so fast, or you'll choke. And die." Larry swallowed his food. "Fine. But I'm not going to eat like a slow grandma!" He pointed at me. "I'm going to show you grandma you fucking dumb bitch!" I stood up and whacked him on the head. "OW!!"  I grinned. "Grandma's gonna whack ya till you're dead!" I whacked him again. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Larry ran away and I sat down and smiled. "Whoops." Ash started laughing. Lisa chuckled. "That will teach him." My mother said.

I sat down on my bed and grabbed my phone. I had a text. I clicked on it and read it.

Unknown:You should off yourself. Gay freak.
S:Who is this?
Unknown: Not important. You're a fag and should die.
S:.. You're not funny, you know.
Unknown: I wasn't trying to be.
S: I'm going to block you.
Unknown: I could care less. Just know, no one loves you. No one ever will. You're a freak and deserve nothing but pain and suffering.

I blocked them. I rolled my eyes. "You should off yourself!!!" I chuckled and mocked them. I stretched out on my bed and gizmo jumped on my stomach. "OW GIZMO!!!" Gizmo just sat down like he was laughing at me. I gently pet his head. "I love you dummy." I then closed my eyes.

Mondays always suck. I closed my locker and stretched again. I started walking towards the art class but then got shoved against someone's locker. Poor locker. I looked to see who it was and it was Travis. His hands were blocking me from moving. "Hey," Travis chuckled. "for Larry. Since you're going to art." He winked and walked away. I opened the paper. I chuckled and folded it back up. I walked into the art room and sat between Larry and Ash. "Hey Lar, I got something for you." Since class hasn't started I nudged Larry. "Huh?" I gave him the paper. He opened it. "... Are you fucking..! I'm going to kill that Phelps!!!" I grabbed the paper and showed Ashley. She started laughing. "I mean, he's probably not wrong!" She continued to laugh. I chuckled. "Alright class, that was the bell. Let's get started, shall we?"

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