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Travis ended up staying at the apartment today since he didn't feel comfortable going to school right after he left home. Which, was a good thing. His father walked in the building and looked for Travis. He then stormed off and left. Me, Larry, and Ash have been covering for Travis all day. I yawned and walked into the cafeteria. I got slammed against the wall. "Where is he." I stared at one of the church boys Travis warned me about. "Who." He glared at me. "Where the fuck is Travis!?" I shrugged. "Dunno. Now, let me the fuck go." He chuckled. "I know he's with you." I glared into his eyes. "Must be the wrong blue haired guy. Now, fuck off prick." I kicked him in the balls then punched him in the face. "Touch me again, I'll slam your head into the wall next time!" I smiled. "And that goes for the other two nitwits." I then walked away. I grabbed my food and sat down next to Larry. "What took you so long?" I grumbled. "Them." Larry looked up at the other two nitwits. "You fucking dick. You hurt Xavier." I shrugged. "Must be ANOTHER ANOTHER blue haired dude." They glared at me. "Let's talk. Outside." I stood up. "Kay. I'll still smash your head into the wall."

"Whoops." I shrugged. "How did that wall taste?" I let him go. "Like I said. I don't know why the fuck you think I would help Travis. I barely know the guy, and he hates my guts. So, leave me the fuck alone." They grumbled. "W-Whatever dude.." I smiled. "Thanks!" I then walked away. Larry and Ash were waiting near the doors. "So..?" I grinned. "They look like they got ran over 50 billion times." I chuckled. Ash laughed. "Really?!?" I nodded. "Yeah. If they were smart, they won't bother us anymore. Hopefully, they won't think it's Phillip. I'll tell him later anyways. Travis said he told Phillip everything." They nodded. The bell then rang for the next class. "Woohoo.. Class!.." Larry acted like he was cheering. I chuckled. "Well, at least school is almost over." Ash smiled. "Tell Travis to come down to the basement later. And to bring Renzo. I love him." Larry shook his head.

I walked in the apartment. "Hey Sal." Travis looked up at me. "Hey." I walked over to Travis on the couch. Gizmo was laying next to Renzo on the floor. I smiled. "How was your day?" Travis looked up at me. "Good. But pretty boring. Your mom did stop by at noon to bring me food and Renzo food." I smiled. "That's good. You like it here so far?" Travis nodded. "I like your clothes, too." I blinked. "Huh?" Travis grinned. "Look at what I'm wearing. Stupid." Travis lifted up his shirt. "Oh- Hey! That's my sweatshirt!" Travis chuckled. "It's comfy. And, it smells like you." I blinked again. "Are you trying to-" Travis smiled. "100 percent." I blushed. "God I hate you!" Travis laughed. "I can take it off, if you want~" I stopped. "I- I uh- No- What- Travis!!!" Travis laughed again. "Let's go to Larry's babe." "BABE?!?!"

Travis was still laughing when we got to Larry's. "What are you laughing at?" Renzo walked in the place like he owned it. Travis stopped laughing to breath. I grumbled. "This fucking idiot is being flirty." Ash laughed. "How so?" Travis stopped to breathe again. "Well- I called him babe since he was blushing. Now he's pissed at me. When I said it he said 'BABE?!?!'" Travis started laughing again. I smacked him on the head. "Can I kill him?" Larry chuckled. "But he's pretty funny." I glared at Larry. "Want to be slammed in the wall like the church nitwits!?!" Travis looked at me. "What happened?"

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