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We ran into my apartment and slammed the door behind us. Travis chuckled. "Not too bad." We slid down the door and continued to get air back. Once we were fine again I laughed. "We aren't going back for the rest of the week, right?" Travis chuckled. "Definitely." He leaned against the door. Travis looked over at me. I stared into his eyes and he smiled. "Oh, your bruise is healing." I smiled. Travis grabbed my wrist and pulled me on him. "Oh-" Travis chuckled. "Let's just stay like this. For a bit. I'm fucking tired now." Travis wrapped his hands around me and hugged me. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"So, you want to dye your hair?" I looked at Travis and he nodded. "Sorta? So they don't recognize me as easily." I shrugged. "We can try it. But what if it doesn't help much?" "Then we go back to blonde Travis." Travis chuckled. I nodded. "What color?" Travis thought for a moment. "Black? It would go best with my skin." I nodded. I then called mom. "Hello?" I smiled. "Hey mom. Can you buy some black hair dye?" "Sure? But why?" I chuckled. "For Travis." I heard her squeal a little. "Sure! I'll see you when I get home dear." She then hung up. Travis smiled. "I like your mother." I rolled my eyes. "She can get annoying though." Travis chuckled.

"You look hot." I stared at Travis and he grinned. "So you like it?" I nodded. "Yeah. It looks good." Travis sat down on my bed and fell backwards. I stared at him. "I can feel you staring at me." I chuckled. Travis got back up and crawled to his side of the bed. "If Ash and Larry saw how we sleep they would freak out." I nodded. "Yeah." Travis wrapped his hands around me. I turned around to look at him. "Hi" Travis smiled. "Hey" I chuckled. Travis gently grabbed my chin. "Can I?" I smiled. "Sure." Travis gently pulled my chin close to him and kissed me. I then kissed him back. Travis chuckled. "Night Sal." He wrapped his hand around my waist again and put his head near my chest. I smiled and put my hand under his head so he would be comfortable and fell asleep.

"He doesn't look bad." Larry nodded at Travis' hair. Ash nodded. "Yeah. He looks better than most the people in our school." Todd chuckled. I yawned. "Trying to say I'm boring?" Travis walked over to me and hovered over me behind me. "No, just tired." Travis chuckled. Todd stared at us. "So.. Are you guys like.. Dating?" Ash nodded. "I've been wondering that too." Travis looked down at me. I stared up at him. "Are we?" I grinned. "I wouldn't know." Travis grinned back and gently yanked my hair and kissed me. "WHAT?!" Larry looked shocked. I chuckled. Travis smiled. "Oops." Ash squealed. "I always knew you two would be a cute couple!" She smiled. "Technically, it was only a kiss." I smiled. Then my phone started ringing. "Unknown?" Travis looked at my phone. "I'll be right back." I stood up and walked out of Larry's apartment. "Hello?" I heard a giggle. "Was hoping you would of killed yourself by now." It was a girl. I recognized who it was. "You. You were from Neil's party that day." She chuckled. "Good job! Glad you could figure it out even though you're so dumb." I rolled my eyes. "You're just telling me, to kill myself because you couldn't date me yourself." She laughed. "Why would I ever date you?! I was drunk that night. Fucking freak." I smiled. "You're lying. I'm not fucking stupid. Besides, I wouldn't want to date your ass anyways. Not to mention, you came up to me first but you wouldn't back away until my friend helped me. You're obviously mad because you couldn't rape me or whatever the fuck you wanted to do." I heard her breathe then hang up. "Fucking weirdo." Then my phone started ringing again. "Are you fucking kidding?!" I answered. "Give me my fucking son back." I groaned. "Fucking leave me alone old prick!" Kenneth chuckled. "You know, kid, I could call the police on you. You'll be in big fucking trouble if I do. I'll give you 5 fucking days to give my son back." He then hung up. I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down it. Can't I ever get a fucking break?! I gripped my phone in my hands and closed my eyes.

"Sal? Are you awake?! Son!! Please!!" I opened my eyes. I was in a hospital. Nobody was there. I could barely see. I walked over to the light switch and turned it on. It was still dark? Where is father and mother...-
"Here we are. A fresh start. Nockfell. I think we'll really like it here, Sal. I do."..-
"I'm Larry Johnson. What's with the cool mask?" I chuckled. "It's a prosthetic." Larry smiled. "Sorry dude! It looks super cool though. I bet we'll be great friends."...-
"Fucking gay freak! You have the ugliest mask too! I bet your face is so ugly and that's why you hide it!!" Travis laughed.

What the fuck? What was I just imagining? Travis walked out of Larry's apartment. "Sal? What are you doing out here?"

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