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"Oh that is so gay!" I giggled at the fact Sal and Travis fell asleep on the couch together. Ash chuckled and got her phone out. She took a picture. "Should I send it to the group chat?" I nodded. "Of course!" I giggled again. "I'll wake them up." Ash nodded. "Psst Sal.. I think Travis is gone." Sal jolted up


I then stared at Travis right next to me. "Larry I'm going to kill you." Travis opened his eyes. "That sucks because that's going to wait. I'm comfortable." Travis wrapped his hands around me and held me tight. "This is harassment!!! Help!" I pouted. Travis chuckled. "Quit whining." Larry chuckled. Renzo was near our feet sleeping. Travis had one of his legs between mine and his hands were wrapped around my waist. His face was in my neck. It was honestly.. Pretty nice. Then Lisa walked out of her room. "Ooh morning Sal. Is he still asleep?" Travis mumbled something. "I don't think so?" She chuckled. "I'll make some breakfast." She walked past Renzo and gently pet him.

"Travis let go I'm hungry!" Travis grumbled. "Fine." I smiled and slithered away from him. But then fell off the couch. "Sal you're stupid." Larry chuckled. "I didn't realize your couch was so small." Larry rolled his eyes. "Of course it is when two gays are cuddling." Travis chuckled. "Only gay for Sal." Ash laughed. "Who wouldn't be?!" I grumbled and stood up. "And yet Larry still can't pull any bitches." I walked over to the table and grabbed some bacon. "Travis get up." Travis groaned. "No. Goodnight." Ash chuckled. "How is that working out, Sal?" I smiled. "Just fine." I grabbed a piece of bacon and walked over to him. "Open your mouth." Travis looked up at me. "You gonna shove your dick in my mouth or some shit?" I glared at him. Larry laughed in the back. "Was going to give you BACON but no. Starve then." I ate the bacon in front of him then walked away. "Would rather have your dick." Travis chuckled and Larry started laughing more. "God I hate you two." I grumbled and Ash giggled. "It's okay Sal. Maybe you'll get used to these two becoming friends." I smiled. "Maybe."

I couldn't find Travis after class. I called the group chat. "Have you guys seen Travis?!" Larry spoke. "I think he was near the bathrooms. But that was a while ago." I ran over to the bathrooms and Travis was against a locker because of the fucking church boys. "Thanks. Bye!" I shoved my phone in my pocket and ran up to them. I punched him in the face. "Oh there's your little boyfriend!" He chuckled. I punched him again. "Aw, you mad?" I grinned. "Shut up." I kicked him in the rib. "Sal.. We need to go-" I kicked the guy again. "Sal?!" I wasn't listening to him and punched the guy again. "SAL!? WE HAVE TO GO." I turned around. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" Travis' dad was quickly walking towards us. I quickly grabbed Travis. "Okay.. Buh-Bye!!" I chuckled and ran off. I took out my phone and called the group again. They all answered. "Okay, so, Travis and me, doomed." We continued to run. Ash said something. "The fuck, does that mean?!" I huffed out another breath. "Well, his dad is here." I heard Larry grumble. "Do you need help?" I looked behind us. "He's gone?-" I turned around. "FUCK-" Me and Travis stared at him. Right in front of us. "If you want to help my son. Try harder." I smiled. "Harder? Okay." We sprinted the other way. Then the bell rang. "Lunch?" I looked over at Travis. He nodded. "Lunch." We sprinted in the lunchroom. "Where the fuck are you Sal?!" I heard Larry shout in the phone. "Jesus dude! We're in the lunchroom. He won't leave!" We waited for everyone and we waited in the lunchroom to see if he would be gone after. "Travis Phelps and Sal Fisher. To my office please." We all froze when we heard the intercom. "Okay.. Running again?" I looked at Travis. Travis chuckled. "Running again." We stood up. Ash looked at us. "Stay safe. Please." I nodded. "Who said I couldn't run from an old dude?" I chuckled.

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