Chapter 24 -Hilary's Party

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Hailey's POV -

Me and Ash enter the party.. surprised.

The whole house is decorated with colorful ornaments and there's also a huge swimming pool, and people are already drunk.

"This party looks great so far!" I shout to Ashley.

The music is really loud too.
It's like I can't even hear anything or my mind itself.

I turn around and see no one there.

Oh wow Ashley's already gone somewhere. Ugh.

I walk around, observing the party Hilary made.

I really can't believe i'm walking around and enjoying the girl's party who has basically ruined half of my life..

I got a couple of drinks from the bar...
I really don't think I wanna get drunk today.

I'll just try, a little tiny bit.

Before I even start, someone grabs me and brings me towards this corner.

"What are you doing here???"
He looks around so that no one noticed us.

"Why do you care?"
I ask a bit harshly.

"Well... you should because I'm about to save your life"


"Okay listen.. you can hate me as much as you want for doing that in the cafeteria.. I had to make sure Hilary doesn't feel suspicious"
James says softly.


"And we don't have enough time! You need to leave the party now, Hilary's planning something, so please leave before she can hurt you"

"But- no I wanna stay, I wanna help you get out of this"
I say worriedly.

"No Hailey this is gonna ruin everything, please just listen to me once, just this time"


He quickly puts his finger on my lips and comes closer...

"No buts..." He whispers..
He's so close to my face...

And for some unknown reason my heart's beating fast.

"Okay fine.." I look down and get out of James's clutch.

This boy really got an effect on me.

I get frustrated while searching forAshley.

Er-gh where is this girl! It's like I've searched the whole earth and can't find the only person I'm actually looking for.
I roll my eyes and kept searching.

Suddenly an unfamiliar hand covers my mouth and nose with this napkin...
It smelled weird and in no time I'm in his clutches.

Suddenly my eyes close and he's dragging me out in a room..


I wake up in this peculiar looking room..

I think it's one of the rooms in this house.

"Ugh my head hurts.."
I grab my head trying to focus myself.

"Oh you're last"
He smirks.

"Who are you?"
I ask confused.

"Well that doesn't matter"
He says and comes towards me.

"Well it does matter for me"
I frown and stay where I am.

"I like you now" He smirks at me again and comes close to my face.

"I've heard a lot about you...Hailey Wilson right?" He grins.

"Yeah..." I just look at him. I don't know why he has this really weird... attraction. Not in a love way or anything but I really don't know....

"Well I'm Bry. Bryce Kimble" he smirks.

I gasp.
"Wait so you're Hilary's brother??"

But... I've never seen him in school or neither this town..
I didn't even know Hilary had a brother.

"Yup I am. Now keep all the questions on hold. We don't have time, we're actually supposed to be somewhere else right now"

He grabs me and I struggle to get out of his reach.

"no! I don't want you to take me anywhere, where are we even going??"

"You'll see, now shut up, damn you talk too much"
He grabs my hands and starts walking.

"Aw Thanks for that compliment"
I give him a sarcastic smile.

He rolls his eyes.
"Okay now stay here"
He tells me to stand somewhere close to the bed and the little table beside it.

"Don't move, let me just get something from there-"

He moves up somewhere close to his closet and takes out a piece of paper.

Oh my god, Hailey do something instead of standing here like an idiot!
My conscious speaks.

I look around and find a lamp.

Okay this is my chance here I go! I quickly go and hit him with the lamp.

"Ow! What the fuck!"

"Oops! My bad!"
I quickly run out of the room before he can chase me around.

I see Hilary announcing something but I can't even focus anything right now.

I feel dizzy and out of balance.

I somehow manage to find James somewhere and he quickly takes me out of the building.


"What the fuck happened?? Didn't I tell you to leave the party?"
James says in a worried voice.

"James! Ok listen"

I explain everything about what happened- Hilary's Brother, Bryce, the plan to take me somewhere and the part where I hit him with a lamp.

James laughs.
"So the only thing you find is a lamp to hit him? Really"

He kept laughing.
What a genuine friend I've got here.

I punch him on the hand.

"Ow! What was that for!"

"Well that's what you get for making fun of the almighty lamp that actually bothered to save my life, cough"
I pout & fake cough.
He suddenly holds my face smoothly onto his big, warm hands..

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what?" I ask softly.

"Earlier.. For forcing you to get out of the party.. and the cafeteria thing.. it's just that I don't wanna lose you..I actually care about you"

"Oh..." is all I could say..
I don't know I'm so speechless right now...

He suddenly connects his hands with mine... Tightly, and we walk towards this wonderful place.. where I thought it was destroyed years ago....


A/N: I've updated at last! Next chapter is actually gonna be there soon too ! I owe you guys lots and lots of updates by now Hahaha.

Wellllll yup I've added a new character in the bookk which is indeed Hilary's hidden brother, Bryce.

Do any of you like Bryce or nah?

And the next chapter is for allllll the James lovers so here you go! (:

Pleaseeeee vote and comment!

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