Chapter 13 ∞ Staying Away

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Hilary's POV -

"Ugh lame ass science class", I roll my eyes and kept on texting, ignoring what the teacher's saying.

"Okay class, tomorrow will be a test on biomes and I also have some papers to pass on today", Mr Barker says.

"We will be having this field trip next week close to the cliffs and forest so that we all can learn about mountains and its ecosystem."

"I'll pass the permission forms now, please bring it back by Friday."

Everyone starts getting excited and I also kind of got curious too.

I heard someone saying "Omg! Im so excited for this field trip, I think everyone on Mr. Barker's classes are going!"

Hmm wait, brandon and hailey goes to Mr. Barker's class.. And after this period they have Mr.Barker for class so OMG...

I smirk evilly and make plans for the trip.

"Brandon's POV"

Hmm I feel like Hailey's hiding something but she wouldn't tell it something about me? Or is it something else? ...

"Brandon, would you please pass these field trip forms to the whole class?", Mr. barker says.

"Oh um sure", I got up and went to get the papers.

"Next time I don't want you to daydreaming in class", Mr.Barker whispers to me angrily.

"Okay", I take the papers and give it to everyone.

"Oh well, field trip here I come", I sigh.


School ends at last and I was thinking of hanging out with Hailey in her house.
We barely even hung out much after that day when her mom almost caught us kissing or something.

"Hey", Ashley says.

"Oh hey, have you seen Hailey anywhere?", I said.

"Oh yeah, I think she's in the library", Ashley said.

"Oh thanks", I said and was about to leave when Ashley said,

"Brandon.. Be careful in the field trip"

"Wait wha-..." I was about to ask but Ashley wasn't there anymore.


"Hailey's POV"

"Oh god I need to get out of this library before Hilary or brandon comes, I need to stay away from Brandon as long as possible until I think he's safe from Hilary so I need to make a plan as soon as possible! Ugh", I said worried.

"Hey Hailey! What you doing?", Brandon said.

"Uh oh hey nothing really, I'm in a hurry right now, I'll see ya later", I quickly took my stuff and was about to leave when he said,

"I was thinking if you would want a ride home?", Brandon asked so nice and politely that I couldn't even say no... But I have to.. Just for his safety, cause the more I stay with him the more I will get distracted and can't save him from that witch.

"Hey... Um thanks brandon but I think I can't, I'll just ask Ashley to give me a ride bye", I give him a weak smile and walk off the library.

I saw his smile fade and he looked so heart broken by that...

It's like someone stabbed me right on the back and it's hurting like I shouldn't have said it to him... but really I can't hang out with him... Or even stay near him because Hilary...

*Thinking about what happened before*

"You need to stay away from Brandon cause then if you don't, then I'm going to hurt him so much that you're gonna regret about not listening to me", Hilary smirks.

"What! No please don't do that Hilary... Not to him please I promise I'll stay away from him but please don't hurt him", I sobbed and said.

"Okay good girl, now don't you dare mess with my plan again or else", She smirks and leaves me hanging on my door way.

I sighed and kept on walking sadly towards Ashley's car.


Author's Note: Guys!! Thank you so much for 575 views! You have no idea how much that means to me.. Thanks for reading my book so far, hope you liked it! And please help me to 1k views... and also vote & comment! Thanks ily! :)

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