Chapter 15 ∞ No changes

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Hailey's POV -

"Hahah!! Oh my god I remember when you actually fell on a pit and you started crying!", I was laughing like this after such a long time.

"Pshhh forget about that", we both start laughing again.

"Haha those were some funny days to be honest", I giggled.

"Yep they were indeed..", James wondered off.

"What's wrong?", I said worriedly.

"Nothing I was just thinking of something", James said.

"I was wondering why you left the state! You never even told us!", I said.

"About that, I had to Uh... Go because of my dad's business work you know", James hesitated.

"You sure?", I said suspiciously.

"Yeah", James said.

"So how's the lover boy", James wiggled his eyebrows.

"He's fine", I giggle.

"Except the part I have to ignore him...", I said sadly.

"I think I can help you with that..I can keep Hilary awa-", I cut James off.

"NO! You're not doing anything! I'm not getting you into this mess okay?!", I said worriedly.

"Okay okay Miss Calm down", he put his hands on my shoulders smoothly.

I blush... What! I blushed??

"Okay...", I said blushing and he quickly took his hands off.

I remember I kind of used to like him before... It was after I joined their tiny little group.

I was new in 9th grade.. and Hilary was also part of their little group but it seemed like everyone was going fine until I came along... Hilary started hating me for some reason I never knew and then in the middle James leaves and then Brandon and Hilary ditches me. But thank god I found Ash.

"You there?", James said.

"I'm really sorry for leaving you like that... I really didn't want to.. But I had to", James said.

James takes my hands into his.

"I hope you'll forgive me Hailey..", James said.

"It's fine James.. and you have no idea how much I've missed you... I've been wondering for months about why you left but then I gave up... I was all alone but thank god Ash found me", I said.

"Really?! You were all alone?? Brandon shouldn't have done that and I hate Hilary anyways...", James said madly.

"I'll always protect you Hailey.. I wouldn't ever leave you alone again", he was really close now and he was smiling.

I smiled back.

"Hey!! You guys done talking?", Ash comes from nowhere.

We flinch and start blushing.

"Well I think I got to go now I'll cya girls later in school", James smirked.

"Awe bye!", I said.

"Bye bye!", Ash says.

James leaves and me and Ash start hanging out.

"James POV"

Oh my god... Hailey has changed a lot.. And I still like her a lot.. Past years I've been liking her when she got into our group and its before brandon but there's a different reason why I had to leave..

Hailey.. I think I can never express my feelings to you after all.. I deserved her first but I think Brandon took her already...

I sigh and drive.

"I love you Hailey and I'll do anything to keep you safe.. I came back just for you", I sighed and kept on driving towards the NYC bar.


A/N: yeah I know the chapters I'm writing is boring but please don't give up, it's my first time and I'm trying my best to make it interesting! Please help me reach 1k views!! Hope you enjoy~ ILY

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