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Alexa's POV
I walk out of the airplane and head to the cabs. I look around and then see her. I walk towards her.

Alexa: Mom? I thought you were at the hospital. What are you doing here?

Riley: Hello Alexa. How was your trip?

Alexa: Hang on... Please tell me that you didn't bring me here just to get me out of LA cause you know that if that's true, then I'm leaving with the first flight.

Riley: First of all, I am sick but I haven't checked in the hospital yet. Second of all, I would never make you leave a place you love. Also, I want you to meet someone.

I frown my eyebrows and tilt my head to the side as she walks towards a man with blonde - brown hair and green eyes.

Riley: Alexa, this is Matt.

I shake his hand while I nod.

Riley: Also... your brother.

I widen my eyes and look at my mother.

What just happened? I have a brother? Why didn't she tell me all this time? Did he know it too? And if he did, how long?

Riley: - exa? Alexa?

I blink a couple of times as I shake my head trying to receive what she just told me.

Alexa: What the-? Are you kidding me? Whenever I asked you about my family, you told me they were dead?

Riley: Because I didn't want you to go hunt the past.

Alexa: Yeah but this would be my decision to make, not yours!

Riley: Alexa sweetie, you're shouting.

Alexa: I don't care!

I take a deep breath.

Alexa: You know what? I'm outta here. I'm going back to LA.

I turn around and walk back in the airport. My escape doesn't last much cause unfortunately someone stops me. I turn around to face him. It's my brother.

Alexa: What?

Matt : Look, I know that you're angry at your mother -

Alexa:Of course I'm angry!- Wait, aren't you mad at her? She did the same to you too.

Matt: I am angry but I also know that she doesn't have much time and that the time I didn't spent with her all these years, I'd like to spend it now.

Alexa: Well good luck, cause I'm done with her. She's all yours.

Matt: Alexa wait.

Alexa: No you wait. All this time she was never there for me. She was never there for you either but I lived with her. And it's worse. Cause whenever I had a problem and wanted to talk to her, she avoided me. After years she decided to care. But you know what? It was too late. I had already chosen my path. Every time, she tries to change it, but it doesn't work. The only thing that she does, is that she pushes me away from her. I believe this is another trick to change me again.

I say as I don't notice a tear falling down my face. With the back of my palm, I wipe it and avoid eye contact with him.

Matt: It's not. I talked to the doctor in Chicago Med and he told me she's in a bad place in her illness and right now she needs someone to care for her.

Alexa: Well, I'll come back when it's too late.

I turn around.

Matt: Do you really want to do that?

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