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Alexa's POV
I am in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. I don't know for how long. Using only one hand is difficult. I think i have only made two waffles in 40 minutes.

???:Want some help there?

I turn around and see Brian.

Alexa: Ah, yes. Come. 

He grabs the spatula and the pan and cooks the waffle as i sit on a chair next to the table. He looks at me curiouly.

Brian: Really? So you found the easy traget to do your work?

Alexa:You're not the easy target. You're the available one. 

Brian:If your leg was still hurt then i would excuse you, but right now i believe you can grab the syrup.

I roll my eyes and get up to grab the syrup. 

At the hospital, Will told me i had broken my right hand and had just sprained my knee. Nothing serious. That's why my hand has being giving me a hard time for two weeks now. 

A week ago we came to LA. After i said goodbye to Matt and Gabby, we headed to the airport and i said my goodbyes to Chicago too. When i did, i felt that Chicago only made things worse. Yes i got to meet with my brother but i lost so much. I lost my mom, i almost lose my friends and life and i did lose my personality. I became more sensitive and after the whole Gabe thing happened,i've been having nightmares. If Dom wasn't there for me, i might have been in an asylum right now. 

Thankfully, my life has returned back to normal. I still don't race because of my hand but once i am ok, i will take the wheel and drive to tomorrow. 

My thoughts are interupted by Brian who is nudging me.

Brian: Alexa, you ok?

Alexa:What? Oh yeah. What did you say?

Brian:I asked if you can drop some syrup.

Alexa:Oh sure. I can do that.

I turn the bottle upside down and the brown liquid falls on the waffles, while Brian is looking at me with a look, trying to understand what is running through my head. 


Everyone is gethered around the fried kitchen, looking at it, waiting to eat it, cause, cmon, everybody's hungry.

Roman:So Dom, when do you say it'll be ready so we can eat?

Dom:Give it a few more minutes.

Alexa: Hey, Rome. Drink some beer. It will calm your hunger.

Roman: Really?

Alexa:Maybe, i don't know. I haven't tried it yet. But i will now, cause i'm hungry as hell and that chicken doesn't want to be cooked. It's like a nightmare coming true.

Mia laughs and i raise my beer towards her, agreeing with her reaction.

Dom:Stop complaining, it will be ready in a few minutes.

I smile and look at my stomach who is complaining. 

Alexa: Hey, it's ok. You'll be full in no time.

I say to my stomach and then turn to Dom.

Alexa:Do not dissapoint my stomach.

I point at him while holding my beer. Then i turn around and look at the table, filled with all this food. I twich my left eye and Mia looks at me scared.

Mia:Um... Dom, you should better hurry. She's twiching.

I look at Mia with a "Really?" look and we both burst into laughter.

Dom:Food's ready.

We stop laughing and everyone cheers. We sit around the table and after i say grace, cause i'm the first one who touches the food, we all eat.


We are all inside, watching a movie. I don't get to see it all of it cause i tell everyone i'm tired, so i go to sleep.

Once i walk upstairs, i put on my pjs and fall under the blankets. I fall asleep for a while but i immediately wake up at the sound of a door opening. When Dom gets in, he sees me being on guard.

Dom:You ok?

Alexa:Yeah, I'm fine. Did the movie end?

Dom:Yeah, everyone went to their homes.

I nod as i look at the floor.

Dom:Cmon, clearly something is bothering you, so why don't you tell me what it is?

He says as he lays under the blanket.

I look at Dom, thinking if i should ask him something that's in my mind since Chicago, but i just shake the thoughts out of my head.

Alexa:I'm fine, really. Just, tired.

He nods and wraps his hand around me. I lay my head on his chest and i fall asleep, waiting for another nigihtmare to come.

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