Phone Calls

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Alexa's POV
I wake up and I'm in my room. I turn my head and i see Dom sleeping. I get up quietly and head to the bathroom. After I'm done showering, I stand in front of the mirror and look at my hair. I grab a brush and start brushing them. I think if it would be a great idea to tie them up into a ponytail. I grab them and put them high enough but then I look at the mirror, the back of my ear. I touch it with my fingers, remembering the day I got it. A scar, from burning. The letter T.

I decide then to make a ponytail, not caring what strangers will say or question. After I finish, I get outside and I see the bedroom door opening and Dom walking in.

Alexa: Oh, you're awake? Did I wake you up?

Dom:Kinda but I don't mind your voice waking me up.

Alexa:My voice?

Dom: You sing in the bathroom.

I frown

Alexa: Do I?

Dom: Yeah.

I shrug and then I hear my phone ringing. I grab it and after I see the name on it I roll my eyes. I decline the call and leave the phone on the bed.

Dom: You don't want to answer it?

Alexa: It's my mother and I'm not in the mood to hear her squicky voice.

I say as i mimick her voice. The phone rings again and I decline it again and put it on mute.

Dom: What changed today?

Alexa:What do you mean?

Dom: After a long time, you finally tie your hair into a ponytail.

Alexa:I needed a change.

I walk towards and stand in front of him. He tilts his head on the side looking at my scar.

Dom: That was the reason huh?

With his hands, he touches my scar, as I lower my head.

Alexa: Yeah, the only way to hide it, is to have my hair down.

Dom: They wanted you to remember that day.

Alexa: But they regretted it. All of them. Til their last breath.

Dom: That's my girl.

I smile and I kiss him. Then we head downstairs. I see Mia in the kitchen and i stand next to her.

Alexa: Morning.

Mia:Morning. How was your sleep?

Alexa: Very good.

Mia: Yea, you should have seen yourself on the floor.

Alexa: Floor?

Mia: Yeah, after Dom got up, he didn't notice it and you fell down. Of course you didn't wake up but it was so funny.

Mia who was bringing her cup of coffee on her mouth smiles behind it before taking a sip. I put in a cup some coffee and drink it while rolling my eye.


The day passes really fast. The rest of the day I spend it in the garage, working on some cars. When we get back home, I grab my phone.

34 missed calls, 21 unread messages

I roll my eyes and call the number.

Alexa: What is it mom?

Riley: Sweetie, why weren't you answering my calls?

Alexa: Because I didn't want to?

Riley: I need you to come to Chicago.

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