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Alexa's POV
(6 years ago)

Alexa: Mia! Where is my notebook?

I yell to Mia who is in the office writing something.

Mia: Cmon Alexa, how would I know? You keep loosing it. Maybe you left it back to my place?

Alexa:I don't know... Maybe?

??? : Found it!

I turn and look at the boy who is holding my notebook. I frown and smile.

Alexa: Where did you find it?

??? : Next to a car.

Alexa: I guess I left it there when I was fixing the car.

I take it in my hands.

Alexa: Did you read it?

??? : What? No! I don't snoop around. You know me.

I smile and when he doesn't expect it I give him a friendly punch on his shoulder

Alexa: Thanks Jacob.

Then I turn to a taller boy who has leaned over a car.

Alexa : What do you think Vince? Are we gonna fix it today or not?

Vince: If you help, then yeah. If you sit around doing nothing then no.

Alexa:Doing nothing? How dare you?

I hit him with my notebook and he laughs.

Mia: Hey Alexa, can you come for a sec? Gabe has no idea of how to solve an equation.

Gabe: That's not true! I just can't think right now.

I roll my eyes and smile. I walk to the office and grab the chair next to Mia. I sit down and help her get the answer.

After a while the door knocks and Vince's head appears.

Vince: So Alexa? Is everything ready for tonight?

Alexa: Yeah.

Mia: We're really not gonna throw a big party?

Alexa: Cmon, if we invite people, most of them will come for the party not for the reason. That's why I suggest we have close friends and family. Just us you know?

Vince: I like it.

I smile and turn back to the book.


Alexa: Where's Jacob? He should have been here by now.

I say as I sit on the couch next to Mia.

Vince: Well, maybe he got stalled.

Gabe: By who? Races?

Alexa: Today out of all days? Races? Cmon, he's not that insensitive.

Gabe raises an eyebrow and when I think that Jacob might be on a race I cross my hands and look at the turned off TV.

Mia: What if he doesn't come early?

Alexa : He'll come. First thing he'll do after he gets out, is come here to see his friends and of course his sister.

Mia smiles at me and rests her head on my shoulder.

A few hours pass and we all find ourselves sleeping, some on the couch and some on the floor. I open my eyes at the sound of a door opening, but I'm too tired to get up. I just raise my head and look to the direction of the entrance. I get up at the sight and walk past the sleeping boys on the ground, to hug my best friend.

Alexa: You're back!

I hug Dom as he hugs me back.

Dom: Of course I am.

Alexa: A bit late but... yeah.

His eyes travel to the decorated place.

Dom: Who did this?

Alexa: Well, I had this idea of a "party" we could throw when you got back and we decorated the living room but apparently as you can see everybody fell asleep.

I look at the three kids in the living room.

Alexa: Hold on. Where's Jacob? I thought he'd be here.

Dom : I know where he is.

I look at Dom curiously.

Dom: I found him at a street race but before that I had found out that he was the reason our dad died.

Alexa: What? Are you serious?

He nods.

Dom: So I told him to leave.

We stay silent for a sec but then we hear someone groaning for behind.

Mia: Will you guys keep it down? We're trying to sleep here.

I smile.

Alexa: I'mma wake them up.

Dom: You sure they won't hurt you?

Alexa: Cmon. I'll be fine.

I head in the middle and yell.

Alexa: Guys the cars are on fire!

They all get up without a second thought and they're about to run out till they see Dom standing in the hallway. They all hug him and then turn to me.

Vince: I thought the cars were on fire.

Alexa: Like expected, I lied.

Gabe walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

Gabe: I'm telling you Alexa. One day you will ask for help, and there'll be no one to believe and you'll die alone.

Alexa : That's not happening.

Vince : Why not?

Alexa: Cause you looove me.

I say as I smile, making the others smile back.

The rest of the night, we spend it, some sleeping and others chatting. I am from the first category.

My thoughts back to the past are interrupted as a door opens and someone enters the room. Before I look at the person who walks in, I check the room again, and see my jacket in one place, shoes on another one and my shirt slashed open on me.

The man, - who I guess is Gabe- looks at me, my body on the ground exhausted. He grabs my hair to raise my head and look at him. Inside of me, I want to kill him for what he's done to me, but he's one of the strongest people I've fought and right now, all I can do is wish for someone to come find me.

Gabe: Are you ready to answer my question? Or you want more pain?

I get angrier so I just spit in his eye.
He gets up and wipes his eye.

Gabe: I guess you want pain.

He snaps his fingers and two men walk in, grabbing me from the arms and raising me up. They put me on the wall and tie my hands on two poles. I turn my head to look at Gabe who is taking off his belt and is ready to hit me.

Alexa: You crazy bastard.

Then I hear the sound of the belt slashing the air and then, the pain, when the leather touches my back. I scream in pain as I push my tears not to fall. The pain continues for a while, and when it stops, Gabe stands next to me. He sees that I have no power of fighting and then asks me.

Gabe: Where, is, Dom?

I look at him with fire in my eyes and all I say is..

Alexa: Fuck you.

He smiles and backs up again. He raises his belt again but this time I'm more angry so I can take in the pain easier. I just clench my jaw and fill my eyes with tears as a feeling of anger rises inside of me, waiting for the right moment to come out. Waiting till I get the right chance to fight back. When someone will be here to help me. This time, it's not about me saving myself. This time, I'm waiting for the help to come, even if it takes days, weeks, months. I will handle everything he does. Til my last breath.

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