Bio and Love Interest

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A/N: I own no images I put in here and Star wars belongs to Disney and Lucasfilm

Name (before becoming a Sith Lord): Obe

Name (after becoming a Sith Lord): Obelisk

Looks without armor: 

Eyes: Blue (when calm), yellow (when a bit angry), Blood red (when he gets furious)

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Eyes: Blue (when calm), yellow (when a bit angry), Blood red (when he gets furious)

Looks with armor:

Personality: Somewhat kind(to allies and friends), intelligent, cunning, merciless(to enemies of himself or who threaten his allies and friends), strong, protective (only to Luna), somewhat loving (only to Luna, but has no knowledge about love)

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Personality: Somewhat kind(to allies and friends), intelligent, cunning, merciless(to enemies of himself or who threaten his allies and friends), strong, protective (only to Luna), somewhat loving (only to Luna, but has no knowledge about love)

Likes: His friends, allies, Luna, Darth Dreix (his master), killing Jedi and rouge Sith, tormenting his enemies

Dislikes: Weak Sith, The Jedi Order, people who hurt Luna(gets furious when that happens), bullies, pacifists (views them as weak), people who threaten or bother Luna(gets angry and threatens them to leave her alone)

Love Interest:

Love Interest:

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Name: Luna

Her Home Planet: Animorph (idk if I came up with that or if I remember it from something, if it is an owned thing I'll change the name)

Her Home Planet: Animorph (idk if I came up with that or if I remember it from something, if it is an owned thing I'll change the name)

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Likes: Her friends, her home, nice people, Obe, teasing Obe when it comes to love

Dislikes: Bullies, most Sith (most try to hurt or kill her), when Obe gets mad (gets scared of him when it happens),Darth Dreix (scared of him)

Personality: Shy (when meeting new people), not afraid to stand up for friends, playful (to Obe), caring, loving (to Obe)

A/N: That's about it for the Bios for Obe and Luna, Next chapter will be Obe's weapons, skills and abilities. Also as a quick note, any named Sith lords in this story are randomly named, the images of Sith lords do not have names, I just used a name generator to find good names. 

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