Chapter 12: Crystal Journey

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The group consisting of Obe, Errith, the Emperor, Luna, Magnus, and Marcia, board a ship to begin their journey to get some lightsaber crystals. They decide to rest due to the trip to their destination will take a few hours. Obe, Errith and the Emperor meditate while Magnus, Luna and Marcia head to the beds and sleep.

Time Skip 6 Hours

Errith: Obe, *Obe opens his eyes and looks at her* you never told us where our destination is to get their crystals.

Emperor: Yes, I to am curious to know where we are going.

Obe: *sighs* Alright, we're heading into republic territory for their crystals. Specifically we're going to Lothal. *they widen their eyes at him*



They continue to yell at Obe as he waits for them to calm down, but the yelling wakes Luna up as she walks towards the yelling.

Luna: *yawning, everyone turns to her* W- what's with all the yelling?

Errith: *calms a bit* Apologies Luna, we didn't mean to wake you up.

Obe: *gets up* We're nearing our destination anyway. *goes to the cockpit to check the navcomputer as Errith follows behind* To answer your question, my contact is a Jedi that thinks that Jedi and Sith can live peacefully.

Errith: *surprised* Do you believe that?

Obe: *sighs* I honestly don't know. With the way Sith are right now, that's not possible, but if the Sith were to change their ways, maybe it could happen. *navcomputer beeps* We're here, exiting hyperspace. 

The ship gets out of hyperspace and the planet Lothal comes into view as everyone comes to see.

The ship gets out of hyperspace and the planet Lothal comes into view as everyone comes to see

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Magnus: *smiles* That is quite a sight.

Emperor: The views of the Galaxy never cease to amaze even my eyes.

Obe: Everyone strap in, we may get some turbulence.

Everyone nods as the strap in to their seats. They begin to get near the planet as a Republic ship contacts them and asks their business. Obe is able to convince them its royal business due to Magnus, Marcia and Luna being on board the ship, so the Republic ship lets them through. As they enter the planet, Obe lands the ship to a rocky plains area of the planet.

 As they enter the planet, Obe lands the ship to a rocky plains area of the planet

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