Weapons And Abilities

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A/N: I own no images I put on here nor do I own star wars.

Force Abilities: 

Sense Powers: This ability is exactly as it sounds. Jedi are born with heightened senses, such as hearing and sight. This ability also includes sensing changes in a Jedi's environment that cannot be seen or heard. Feelings are something the Jedi do not take lightly.

Telepathy: With practice, Jedi can read emotions and see images from another's mind. In cases where individuals are extremely close, even a short sentence can be shared. "Generally, Jedi employ telepathy to read states of minds and exchange silent communications." (Jedi vs Sith by Windham, p. 65). Telepathy was mainly used for negotiations, but could also be a combat technique to foresee an opponent's actions. Unlike physically picking something up, using the Force to move an object should take the same amount of effort no matter its weight.

Force Leap: This ability is as simple as it sounds. The ability to leap higher and farther was a useful skill for combat, putting a Jedi out of or in range of an opponent.

Burst of Speed: Using their heightened reflexes, Jedi can use a burst of speed to end a fight. It was so fast, the Jedi seemed to disappear from the spot where they just stood. This ability was draining and required a recovery period.

Healing: This particular ability was one of the few that could be used on non-Force sensitive individuals as well a Jedi. Young Jedi learned how using the Force to heal could ease pain and heal wounds.

Healing Trance: Some Jedi develop the ability to put themselves and others in a healing trance to heal wound even faster. Patients can remain entranced for a week in dry climates and up to a month in wet climates.

Farsight: This particular ability is as it sounds; seeing far distances or into the future.

Psychometry: A relatively unknown ability, psychometry was used to see the past of an object. An individual with these talents could "perceive past events by gathering the tenuous psychic imprints left by living hands".

Force Camouflage: Using the Force to camouflage was useful for stealth and infiltration missions. There are two different ways to camouflage. One is to target the mind of the individual from whom you need to stay hidden. A Jedi would convince that person that they did not see them, much like mind manipulation. The second way would be for the Jedi to bend the light around them to literally become invisible. This ability was expensive for a Jedi and required a large amount of concentration. If a Jedi was concentrating so hard on remaining camouflaged that he started bumping into walls, then the camouflage wasn't worth it. Part of being a Jedi was weighing the cost and deciding what was worth giving up in order to achieve success.

A/N: Got all that from this website https://thefutureoftheforce.com/2020/01/14/star-wars-force-abilities/ go check it out, very informative

Another A/N: He can use all force powers, I'm not listing them all here cause there's way too many to say and get their descriptions. sorry, you want to know them, look them up.

Lightsaber Combat forms:

Form I, Shii-Cho: The oldest known form of combat, it was a simplistic style that balanced traditional maneuvers intent on maiming and killing with a focus on disarming an armed foe and was used against a multiple opponents.
Form II, Makashi: A style regarded for its elegance, graceful presentation, and balletic approach in wielding a lightsaber. It was notable for its primary focus on facing a single opponent, preventing disarmament, and quick, very precise strikes.
Form III, Soresu: A defensive style that utilized tight, controlled movements and strict economy of action. Practioners of this form focused on defense entirely in any situation and committed to analyzing their opponents and openings created, often from the frustration and fatigue of the enemy, while not succumbing to fatigue or making mistakes themselves. It remained popular even during the creation of other lightsaber forms.
FormIV, Ataru: An acrobatic and aggressive lightsaber combat style that placed greater emphasis on using to enhance movements in all areas of combat and required great room to attack from all directions. Due to its nature, it was considered a demanding fighting style both physically and through the Force.
Form V, Shien/Djem Sho: Two fluid disciplines of lightsaber combat, which were considered physically demanding styles due to their requirement of quick transitions from dedicated defensive stances to all-out attacks. The Shien variant emphasized blaster redirection, and practitioners could utilize a reverse blade grip. The Djem So variant taught users maneuvers for saber-to-saber combat and blaster deflection.
Form VI, Niman: Considered the most popular lightsaber combat form in the Order, it balanced the qualities presented in all the other forms but did not incorporate any notable strengths. Less demanding than all the other previous combat styles, its approach was a careful balance between offense and defense but leaned towards the latter and extensive integration of .
Form VII, Juyo/Vaapad: Considered the most aggressive and unpredictable disciplines and therefore the most controversial, it was a combat style with a history of the forbidding it and later allowing only select users to practice the disciplines. It was a style considered both physically and emotionally exhausting. The Juyo variant focused on aggressive assault and a mindset that drew upon anger and negative emotions to fuel relentless assault. This mindset caused many users to fall to the or close to it. The Vaapad variant, developed by , similarly drew upon anger and passion, but required the user to not give into them. This style is characterized by rapid, frenzied strikes and powerful blows. However, it was not as reckless in nature as Juyo.Jar'Kai: The method of using two lightsabers during combat, be they single blades or double blades altogether. Variants of Jar'Kai included utilizing more than two single-bladed or double-bladed lightsabers at the same time, depending on the physiological or technological capabilities of the combatant.



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A/N: That will do for the Bios and the weapons and abilities, next chapter the story will start and I do hope you all will enjoy it

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A/N: That will do for the Bios and the weapons and abilities, next chapter the story will start and I do hope you all will enjoy it. Cya next time.

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