Chapter 1: Found And Chosen

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A/N: Reminder, I don't own any images or videos I put in here, nor do I own Star Wars. Everything belongs to their respective owners. Also this * means actions.

A planet is in the midst of being destroyed by Sith forces for attempting to rebel against the Sith Empire.

On the surface of the planet, millions are being slaughtered by Sith soldiers and countless cities being destroyed by the bloodlust of the Sith Empire

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On the surface of the planet, millions are being slaughtered by Sith soldiers and countless cities being destroyed by the bloodlust of the Sith Empire. All that is left is a wasteland.

After the main destruction, the Sith forces now scavenge the lands, looking for possible survivors of the attack and either kill or enslave them

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After the main destruction, the Sith forces now scavenge the lands, looking for possible survivors of the attack and either kill or enslave them. Blasting down any that still try to resist or try to escape their grasp.

Trooper Commander: This should be one of the final cities to search, fan out and kill any that stand in your way. Capture any that surrender.

All troopers: Yes Commander!! *the troopers begin to search the area to find any and all people that survived the main attacks*

Time skip: 4 Hours

*2 figures approach the commander, 1 male and 1 female*

???: Have you found any people Commander? You seem to be taking your time.

Trooper Commander: I apologize for the delay Darth Dreix, but we are working as fast and carefully as we can

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Trooper Commander: I apologize for the delay Darth Dreix, but we are working as fast and carefully as we can. We have to be careful with the ruins, they can collapse at any second and kill some of our soldiers.

???2: Are you implying that we actually care about that commander? We can always get more soldiers if a few die.

???2: Are you implying that we actually care about that commander? We can always get more soldiers if a few die

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Trooper Commander: No Darth Errith. I'm just simply saying that I think-*neck gets snapped by Errith using the force*

Errith: I will not tolerate arguments from soldiers.

Dreix: Must you do that to every commander that states his opinion? Not that I care, but I do believe we are running out of commanders willing to be under our command.

Errith: My husband, I only accept arguments from you and higher ranking Sith. Other than that I kill those who think they can talk back to us like that.

Dreix: *removes helmet and pulls Errith in for a kiss* And that is one of the many reasons why I married you my lady. Heheh. *puts his helmet back on*

Errith:*smiles after the kiss, but returns to a serious look* Let us leave before the fleet decides to-*gets interrupted by a baby crying* Where is that coming from? FIND IT NOW!!

Troopers: Yes Darth Errith!! *they begin searching with the Sith lords*

Trooper1: I found it!! *starts moving the rubble for easier access*

* the troopers and Sith come to assist in moving the rubble to find the baby crying in a crib by itself, a female trooper then carefully picks the baby up in her arms*

Female Trooper:*trying to calm the baby* Shh, its ok, its ok. *she gently rocks the baby, the baby slowly calms as the female trooper sighs in relief* Poor thing must've been abandoned.

Dreix: *removes helmet and begins to examine the baby while its in the troopers arms* Hmm...

Errith: *raises a brow to Dreix* What's wrong?

Dreix:*says quietly* I sense that this child is strong in the Force, very strong.

Errith:*says quietly* What should we do?

Dreix: I suggest we-*hears troopers arguing*

Trooper Sergeant: *trying to take the baby from the female trooper* Private that baby must be taken to the other prisoners to be ready for enslavement!!

Female Trooper: *trying to keep the baby away from the sergeant* Not until the Lords decide its fate!!

*the baby awakes from the commotion and begins crying, the 2 Sith move to intervene, but then the Sergeant suddenly gets his neck snapped, during everyone's confusion, the female trooper tries to calm the baby*

Dreix: *looks to Errith* Did you do that?

Errith: *looks to Dreix* I was going to ask you.

*they both then look to the baby and see its lifting light rocks, shocking all the troopers in the area*

Errith: *she gently takes the baby from the female troopers arms and looks at it confused* How does a baby have that much power?

Dreix: *just as confused* I don't know Errith, but I do know one thing. *Errith looks at Dreix* We are taking him to train in the ways of the Force.

Errith: I guess that makes us this ones parents doesn't it? *checks the baby, sees that the baby is male* What should we name him?

Dreix: *he thinks hard* It has to suit him as a warrior...

Errith: *she thinks as well while being careful holding the baby* And suits him as a signal to his future lord name...

Female Trooper: *nervous* M- may I make a suggestion my Lords?

Dreix and Errith:*the turn to the trooper* What?

Female Trooper: How about Obe? You can add on to the name when he becomes a full Sith Lord, making a name to be feared by all.

*the sith then ponder for a bit and nod to each other*

Dreix: Very well, his name shall be Obe for now.

Errith: And we shall raise him the ways of the dark side of the force. *baby giggles in her arms, earning a smile from her and Dreix*

*The 2 Sith then nod to each other and have their forces gather, then Sith forces leave the planet in ashes as a reminder to all that would try to rebel against their Sith masters, and now the hold in their hands the next generation of Sith as they  make their way to Korriban to begin their lives as a family of the Dark Side*

A/N: So that's the beginning to the story, I hope you all liked it and there's more to come out on this story and I hope you guys are as excited as I am. 


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