Chapter 15: True Peace (Light Side Ending)

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All present look at Obe in terror as he unleashes his dark aura. He gently sets Luna down and turns to face Hades and Dreix. Obe gives them both a glare that makes them freeze in terror.

Obe: You both have taken what I love, but that doesn't mean I can't take it back

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Obe: You both have taken what I love, but that doesn't mean I can't take it back.

Hades: *trying to still look big* What do you mean? We have the numbers, and I am a god amongst you. I can kill whoever I- *suddenly is in pain* AAAAAHHHHH!!

All around except Luna's parents are in pain. Magnus and Marcia are confused at what's happening, then they look at Obe. Their eyes widen in horror to see Obe is using the force ability known as force drain.

 Their eyes widen in horror to see Obe is using the force ability known as force drain

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(couldn't find a better image)

Obe is draining all the Sith, Jedi, and troops of their life force and manipulating it to pure life energy. Once he is done, all enemies are down on the ground, dead with no living force energy within them. Obe has all the energy he absorbed in his hand.

 Obe has all the energy he absorbed in his hand

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Pure living energy in the palm of his hand. He turns to Luna's body as he directs the energy to her. Magnus and Marcia look in awe as Luna's wound begins to heal and she begins to breath life once again.

Luna: *long gasp, then begins to cough, she looks at herself* D- didn't I just- *gets interrupted by Obe and her parents hugging her in tears*

Magnus and Marcia: OUR BABY GIRL!! *in happy tears*

Obe: *remains silent, but is happy*

They all break the hug as Magnus, Marcia and Luna look at Obe. Obe looks to the ground ashamed that he used the force drain. He swore he would never use it. Luna approaches Obe, he is ready for rejection and possibly them to think he's a monster. What she does instead shocked him.

(imagine them as Obe and Luna, idk who they are nor the anime)

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(imagine them as Obe and Luna, idk who they are nor the anime)

Obe: *shocked* L- Luna? *he turns to see her face*

Luna: *in tears* If you think we're going to abandon you from using that, you're wrong. *she breaks the hug and looks him in the eye* Obe, I love you, nothing will ever change that. *she kisses him*

The kiss lasts a few seconds as Obe smiles and sheds some tears, relieved that he can stay together with the one he loves the most. The entire group leaves and tells the Emperor everything that happened. The Emperor apologizes to them that he didn't take Hades as a very serious threat, and so he orders any remaining followers of Hades to be hunted, captured or killed,

Time Skip 2 Years 

(Imagine them as Obe and Luna)

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(Imagine them as Obe and Luna)

Obe and Luna have their wedding on Animorph as they are declared King and Queen of the planet. The celebration lasted a month as it was celebrated by Jedi, Sith, and many others present. The Emperor himself was even seen in friendly conversation with the Jedi Grandmaster and the Republic Chancellor. All was well with the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Eventually, both sides were able to have peace meetings and were able to come to an agreement of peace. Because of Obe's love for Luna, true peace had been brought to the galaxy. Now and Forever.

A/N: That was the Light Side Ending to the story, I hope you enjoyed it. Cya next time.

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