Chapter 15: A True God (Dark Side Ending)

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Obe's rage is knowing no bounds for seeing his love die in his arms. He unleashes so much anger and hatred. Only feeling one thing, absolute rage.

Obe: *screams in anger* RRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!

All in the area are launched outside the building

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All in the area are launched outside the building. Remnants of the building everywhere, they all collect themselves as they try to prepare themselves. They all have a feeling of dread as they all turn, what catches their attention is the eyes they see in the smoke.

Dreix: *fearful* T- this is way more power than I thought he- AGH!! *he looks to see Obe stabbed him with Luna's lightsabers*

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Dreix: *fearful* T- this is way more power than I thought he- AGH!! *he looks to see Obe stabbed him with Luna's lightsabers*

Obe: You have killed the last thing I loved in this galaxy, but I'll give her the pleasure of killing all of you with her blades. *slices Dreix's head off as all look at him in fear, he turns* YOU'RE ALL NEXT!! *he charges at them*

Obe begins to cut down all the Jedi and Sith that helped Hades with his plan. He shows no mercy, especially to those who start begging for it. Until Hades is the last one standing.

Obe: *has red force lighting coursing through his body* Now we end this Hades, once and for all.

Hades: *trying to act superior* I couldn't agree more boy.

Their battle begins. Hades attempts to shock Obe with his black lightning, but Obe counters with his red lightning, easily overpowering Hades' lightning and launching Hades through a boulder. Hades gets angry and charges Obe with his sword. Obe gets angry seeing the sword Hades used to kill Luna. Hades swings at Obe, Obe responds by blocking it with his arm, shattering the sword into dust.

Hades: *shaken at this* B- but how!? THIS WAS ENCHANTED WITH MAGIC AND ALCHEMY!!

Obe: It's nothing to a true user of the force. *gets closer to Hades*


Obe: *stops and glares at Hades with murderous intent* I am no simple Sith. *Obe begins to unleash more energy* I. AM. A. GOD!!!!! *unleashes a giant force repulse mixed with red force lighting*

 GOD!!!!! *unleashes a giant force repulse mixed with red force lighting*

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Hades: AAAAAHHHHH!!! *gets launched away and is severely injured*

Hades is barely able to get up as he sees Obe quickly comes with a force dash and grabs him by the throat and ignites Luna's lightsaber.

Obe: I'll make sure you're awake to feel every single cut. Your death will be beyond excruciating. *brings Hades closer to the lightsaber blade* You will suffer, as I have suffered.

A/N: Warning, this will be graphic, maybe.

Obe begins by shocking Hades with red force lightning, making him scream in agony. Obe then starts slicing and stabbing at Hades' arms and legs, making sure getting deep cuts, but not to slice any limbs off. Obe then uses the force to twist and break Hades' arms, legs and rib cage, Hades' continues to scream in agony. Obe shocks Hades awake anytime he falls unconscious from the pain. Obe then decides to start slowly slicing Hades' legs off as he continues to scream. After a few more hours of torturing Hades, Obe decides to end it by slowly stabbing Hades in the head.

Obe: It's done. *he gets Luna, Magnus, and Marcia's bodies and brings them to Hade's old flagship*

Obe makes a stop at Animorph and gives its people the bodies. They were more understanding than he thought on the situation. He then left for Korriban for one last meeting with the Emperor and the dark council. He made his way to the chambers.

Emperor: Obe, What has hap- *Obe slices his head off*

The dark council is shocked to see Obe's actions as one of the dark council members tries to slice at Obe, but Obe shocks all present when he grabs the lightsaber blade, but its not hurting him. Obe then unleashes a flurry of red force lightning at all the dark council members, killing them quickly. He then announces to all the Empire that he has claimed power not as the new Emperor, but God of the Sith.

Time Skip 2 Years   

Over the years, he was able to attain complete control over the entire Empire, even the Republic has submitted to his rule, but he leaves them be. He changes the way the Sith operate, he makes them better people, instead of subjugating beings, they help and offer willing spots in the Empire. Any Sith that refused to follow this path Obe killed personally. Obe made the Sith Empire not only a force to be feared, but a force to be greatly respected. Obe made sure to fulfill the promise he made to Luna. He became a leader and made all Sith better people, while not becoming a cold blooded tyrant. Obe will always remember the one person that made him happy, the one who made him care, the one he loved with all his heart.

Obe: *in his throne room alone, slowly tears stream down his face* I promise, I'll never forget you, my one true love..... Luna.

A/N: That's the dark side ending to the story. That's the end of the entire story everyone. I hope you all enjoyed it. I loved making this story. I may update it so fix some mistakes, might not. I hope to see you all in my next story. Cya in the next story.

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