Chapter 5: Betrayal

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Time Skip: 2 months

The fleet went into the unknown sectors to search for the possible Republic ships trying to get more ally planets to go against the Sith empire. The search goes fruitless for now. Obe and Darth Drun meditate on the matter, trying to see if they can find them within the force.

Obe: *meditating, he begins to have visions, they are of the fleet, but as well as himself, him aiding the fight, but his fighter gets hit, then goes blank, he shakes awake* Ugh, my head...

Drun: It happens, but you'll get used to it soon enough. You have any luck?

Obe: *nods* I do believe we are close to them. They can't elude us for too much longer.

Speaker: Lord Obe and Darth Drun, please come to the bridge, we have picked up some Republic ships on the scanner.

They make their way to the bridge and check the scanners, the signatures prove to be Republic

Trooper: I HAVE VISUAL CONTACT!! *points*

(I chose these republic ships cause I love them the most for the republic

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(I chose these republic ships cause I love them the most for the republic. FIGHT ME!!)



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(couldn't find any better pics, sorry)

The battle begins as the Sith fleet fires at the unsuspecting Republic fleet, but the Republic is quick to fire back, damaging the Sith fleet ships, the Republic begins to release their fighters. In the fighter squads, 2  fighters are seen to be Jedi fighters, Obe sees this and knows what he must do.

Obe: Darth Drun, *Drun looks at Obe* I'm heading to the fighter and assist our fighters. *begins to leave*

Drun: Good luck. *smirks under his helmet and quietly says* You'll need it...

Obe proceeds to enter a fighter to assist the other pilots.

Obe proceeds to enter a fighter to assist the other pilots

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