Chapter 7: Learning To Care

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Time Skip 2 Months

Over the time Obe has spent on the planet of Animorph, he has been learning their culture, seeing how people are here compared to the Sith he grew up with. He begins to question how his life could've been if he was raised by more... gentle people. He keeps thinking this to himself and being in this state of mind, unknowing to him, is worrying Luna, who he began to bond with deeply, so many things conflict his mind currently and she wishes to do something.

Luna: *finds her father and mother in the throne room* Mother, Father... may I speak to you both? *a look of concern is seen on her face*

Magnus: *he gets up from his throne and walks up to Luna* Of course daughter. *puts hand on her shoulder* Please, tell us what concerns you.

One explanation later 

Marcia: How can we help him if he doesn't say what is on his mind? *looks to Luna* Luna, do you know anything we could try?

*Luna shakes her head*

Magnus: *thinks for a moment* Then I'll talk to him. *rubs Luna's head* I'll see what I can do. Hopefully put an end to the worry.

Luna: *she hugs her parents shedding a few tears* Thank you. I- I just don't know what to do anymore.

*Magnus leave the room and Marcia then looks at Luna with a small smirk on her face*

Luna: *sees Marcia smirking* What?

Marcia: *giggles a bit* I just think its sweet of you to be concerned for Obe. One could say... *smiles at Luna* You could be in love with him??

Luna: *gets embarrassed and face turns red as a tomato* M- MOTHER WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!?

Marcia: *laughs a bit* Its only natural that you fall in love with someone that's been helping you lately, not to mention all the times he protected you from assassins.

Luna: *gets more embarrassed and covers her face* M- Mother please s- stop.

Marcia: *laughs at Luna's embarrassment* I was just like this when I fell in love with your father. So trust me when I say, you'll be fine, just tease him a little before you confess. Its always nice to see them turn a bit red heheh. *she leaves the room*

Cut to Magnus

Magnus was making his way to the training room, where Obe spends most of his time. He sees Obe easily destroying the magical iron golems with his sword, but he sees not only conflict in Obe's eyes, but so much anger as he destroys the last golem.

Obe: *panting* Those can be tough, but nothing to a Sith. *puts sword away as he hears someone enter the room*

Magnus: Most impressive my boy, even some of the most experienced warriors can have trouble taking down one iron golem. *smiles at him*

Obe: Thank you. I always want to keep my skills up so I never falter. 

Magnus: *looks at Obe with a serious face* What's wrong? You've not been in the right mindset for a while and its making everyone worry.

Obe: *turns away from Magnus* I don't know what you are talking about.

Magnus: DON'T lie to me. *puts hand on Obe's shoulder* I see how you are barely eating, not talking to anyone. You're even avoiding us when we want to help you. Please, we're worried about you, Luna is scared that you'll die from whatever you're keeping from us.

Obe: *gets wide-eyed and drops to his knees* I- I... *he unknowingly sheds tears* I don't know what's happening to me. Anytime I'm near the citizens or to any of you, I feel at ease, I feel calm, I always have a feeling of protecting you all. I never want to see any one of you hurt. *looks at his hands* Like I always want to keep you in sight so I never have to see you get hurt. *clenches his fists tightly* WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME MAGNUS!? *looks at Magnus, unknowingly with tears streaming down his face*

Magnus: *looks at Obe with shock, but the gets down on one knee and pulls Obe into a hug smiling at him* My dear boy, this means you're beginning to care for us all. Caring about our well being, caring if we get hurt, wanting to protect us is a normal feeling to get when you're starting to care about someone. *looks at Obe* Obe, you are being a Sith that truly cares for people. *smiles at Obe*

As Obe begins to process all of this, he completely breaks into tears and hugs Magnus tightly as Magnus hugs him back. Unknowing to them, Marcia and Luna were watching the whole thing and were in happy tears when they heard Obe was starting to truly care for them. They then walk up to the 2 men and join in the hug. Gaunter was watching the whole thing and had only 1 thing on his mind... disgust and anger towards Obe

Gaunter: *thinks to himself* I was wrong before... scaring him isn't going to work. In order to be rid of him... HE MUST DIE!! *he leaves*

A/N: That was chapter 7 everyone, I hope you enjoyed. Cya in the next chapter.    

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