Chapter 4: Armored Reward

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After Obe defeated Vuph, he was made an official Sith Lord by his mother Errith and the Emperor. They also decided that he receive a special armor from Korriban, the fleet of Darth Okmosh slowly approaching the planet as Obe looks out the window of his room to se Korriban in all its glory.

 They also decided that he receive a special armor from Korriban, the fleet of Darth Okmosh slowly approaching the planet as Obe looks out the window of his room to se Korriban in all its glory

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Obe: *thinks to self* Feels like yesterday I started my training, now I'm a Sith Lord. I know father would've been impressed. *he walks to the ship exit as it lands* Time to get what mother and the Emperor have decided to give me.

The ship door opens as an armed guard escorts Obe to the entrance of the Sith Academy.

The ship door opens as an armed guard escorts Obe to the entrance of the Sith Academy

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Obe: *smirks* Now that is awe inspiring. *he and the escort begin to walk towards the entrance as many Sith Academy students give Obe some looks of either confusion or anger*

Many of the students are confused on why a person as young as Obe is being escorted to the Academy, while others look at him as if he shouldn't be here, a few students decide to get close to Obe with a look of anger in their faces

(Sith Academy Students will be referred to as SAS)

SAS1: *walks up to Obe and looks him down* Why is a pathetic child like you here at an academy meant to train Sith?

SAS2: *siding with SAS1* Yeah, what, are we getting THIS desperate for more Sith? Or is one of the Darths so weak that they need a child to- *gets force slammed into a stone wall so hard they go through it and die*

Obe: *glares at SAS1* Never refer the ones who took me in as weak. Or else I'll do worse than what I did to them. *points to the body of SAS2 then continues walking*

Obe and his escorts continue, leaving the shocked crowd as they were surprised that someone as young as Obe had enough strength in the force to not only launch someone through a thick stone wall, but also rend the stone to dust with only launching a body through it.

Obe and his escorts continue through the academy until they meet up with the Emperor himself, he simply nods at the guards to leave as he and Obe continue deeper into the academy, until they meet up with the academy head blacksmith.

Obe and his escorts continue through the academy until they meet up with the Emperor himself, he simply nods at the guards to leave as he and Obe continue deeper into the academy, until they meet up with the academy head blacksmith

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A/N: What? Someone has to make the metal like armor in star wars, don't judge me. Also Head Sith Blacksmith will be referred to HSB.

HSB: *sees Obe and the Emperor approaching* Ah, young Lord and Emperor, I've been expecting you.

Emperor: *puts a hand on Obe's shoulder* We've come for Obe's armor.

HSB: Yes of course. *wipes hands off* Please, please this way. *walks as the Emperor and Obe follow close behind*

As they walk, the HSB stops to a locked door, he gestures to Obe to use lightning, Obe does and the door begins to open, revealing the armor to be given to Obe.

As they walk, the HSB stops to a locked door, he gestures to Obe to use lightning, Obe does and the door begins to open, revealing the armor to be given to Obe

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HSB: I hope it is to your liking Lord Obe. *smiling* My best work, I also asked the Alchemist to enchant it so it can grow with you, so you never need it replaced.

Obe: *gets close to the armor to examine it, he smirks* Indeed your best work Blacksmith. This will work for me.

HSB: Oh I forgot, I made something else for you, *sees the Emperor looking at him confused* I know you only asked for the armor, but I decided on something extra. *he goes into a chest and pulls out a sword*

Obe: *confused* A sword? But a lightsaber can easily cut through any sword

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Obe: *confused* A sword? But a lightsaber can easily cut through any sword.

HSB: That would normally be the case for most metals, but this sword is made of songsteel, strong enough to not only resist lightsabers, but also combat them, but as an added bonus, I asked the Alchemist to use their magics to make the blade like the ancient swords of the Sith. *he puts the sword in the sheath and gives it to Obe* You've certainly earned it.

Obe: I... I don't know what to say... Thank you.

The blacksmith then gestures to Obe to put on the armor and he does, after a few minuets, Obe comes out with his new attire and puts the sword on his back (I know its weird with the cloak, but just go with it.), he then walks out of the academy with the Emperor to his personal shuttle.

Emperor: I am assigning you to a member of the Dark Council to assist them with a battle against the republic. *puts hand on Obe's shoulder* I have high hopes for you Obe. I also hope they aren't misplaced.

Obe: *nods and puts helmet on* I will not fail you master.

The shuttle reaches the fleet and Obe exits the shuttle into the main hanger of the flagship and meets the Dark Council member.

The shuttle reaches the fleet and Obe exits the shuttle into the main hanger of the flagship and meets the Dark Council member

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???: Greetings young Lord, I've heard much about you.

Obe: *bows* Darth Drun, a pleasure to meet you.

Darth Drun gestures to follow as he walks with Obe following next to him, as the reach the bridge of the ship, Drun begins to order his troops to set the course for their mission

Obe: Darth Drun, what is our mission exactly?

Drun: We are going to unknown parts of the galaxy, we had reports of the republic sending ships there to explore the unknown space to try to get more planets to join the republic, we are to destroy them and return to Dromund Kass to give the full report.

Obe: *nods* I understand Darth Drun.

Obe and Drun then look on as the fleet heads into hyperspace to their destination, to complete their mission and report back as soon as possible.

A/N: And that's Chapter 4 Everyone. I hope you guys liked it and I'll cya in the next chapter.  

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