Chapter 10: Negotiating With Sith

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3rd Person Pov

Errith's ship has landed on the planet Korriban. Errith, Obe, Magnus, Marcia, Luna, and their guards start to exit the ship as Magnus, Marcia and Luna are in awe at the sight of the Sith academy.

 Errith, Obe, Magnus, Marcia, Luna, and their guards start to exit the ship as Magnus, Marcia and Luna are in awe at the sight of the Sith academy

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Obe: *sees Luna looking at the academy in awe* It is great at first sight. *Luna looks at him a bit confused* Remember, *puts helmet on* there are many Sith in training here that will try their luck in killing you either just for fun or to feed their insanity. So stay close. Ok? *Luna nods in response*

Errith: Obe, *Obe looks at her* lets get going.

They all begin to walk down the ramp to the academy dock. As they get to the entrance of the academy, many Sith in training begin staring at Luna and her parents. Luna begins to feel nervous and gets closer to Obe, with him responding by holding her hand and trying to reassure her that she'll be ok. They continue to walk until the last 2 people Obe wanted to see walked up to them.

 They continue to walk until the last 2 people Obe wanted to see walked up to them

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???1: Well well well, look who made it back.

???2: Thought you finally bit the dust you little weakling.

Obe: *serious tone* Zurd, Ploc, if you both value your lives, *turns to them* you will leave now.

Zurd(left person in the picture): *he sees Luna behind Obe* Look at that Ploc, little Obe got himself a girl. Hahaha. 

Ploc: *notices Luna* Hahaha. Look at the way she's cowering. She'll make great sport for us la- AGH!! *suddenly gets his neck grabbed tightly by Obe while Zurd got force pushed into a wall*

Obe: *threateningly* Let me be perfectly clear, you will not, I repeat, WILL NOT even think about hurting her. Cause if you do, I'll make your deaths very slow and very painful. Do I make myself clear? *Ploc doesn't respond, Obe gets a bit angry* ANSWER ME!!


Obe: Good. *launches Ploc at Zurd then checks on Luna* You ok? *she gives a slight nod as she then starts clinging to Obe*

They continue their walk into the academy, the lead Sith guard the leads them to the elevator. He then leads them into the Dark Council Chambers. Where the entire Dark Council and the Emperor himself are awaiting inside.

Magnus: *turns to Obe and Luna* I think its best you two stay outside the room

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Magnus: *turns to Obe and Luna* I think its best you two stay outside the room.

Marcia and Errith: Agreed.

Obe: Are you sure Magnus?

Magnus: *nods* I'm sure, those first Sith you easily defeated scared Luna pretty good. I can only imagine how scared she would be around your Dark Council.

Luna: *looks down* I understand father.

Errith, Marcia and Magnus head inside the council chambers. Luna slumps down, ashamed, Obe sits next to her.

Obe: It's ok to be afraid sometimes Luna. The council still terrify me heh. 

Luna *laughs a bit* You don't show it though.

Obe: I'm just better at hiding it. *they share a laugh*

Obe and Luna continue talking to each other for a few hours until Magnus, Marcia, and the Emperor walk out of the chamber. The Emperor shares a nod at the 2 and leaves.

Obe: *stands up with Luna standing as well* How'd everything go?

Errith: They were surprised to hear that Magnus and Marcia offered to join the Empire. *smiles* And they accepted and will be treated nicely thanks to how Luna basically nursed Obe back to health.

They all begin to walk.

Obe: Well, I say we celebrate our unification. *they all nod* Lets head to our chambers. You three will be our guests of honor. *Luna smiles at him*

Needless to say, all the Sith in the Academy celebrated in their own way.

A/N: That's the end of this chapter. I'm sorry its shorter than the other chapters, but I didn't have much idea of what to do for this one. I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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