Chapter 14: Breaking Point

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Obe hurries to Dromund Kaas to get his answers from the Emperor. He is ready to kill any and all that get in his way. He lands on Dromund Kaas amd quickly makes his way to the city.

 He lands on Dromund Kaas amd quickly makes his way to the city

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He wastes no time making his way to the throne room. Many guards and Sith outranking him try to stop him, but he sends them flying or he kills them outright. He gets to the throne room and confronts the Emperor.

Emperor: Obe, *gets up and is angry* What is the meaning of- *gets interrupted by Obe pulling him close enough to see the fury in Obe's current yellow eyes*

Obe: HADES TOOK LUNA AND HER PARENTS!! HE BROUGHT MY FATHER BACK AND KILLED MY MOTHER!! *throws holodisk down and shows the recording* HE SAID "You will come to end it, where it all began." HE SAID YOU WOULD KNOW WHAT THAT MEANT!! *grips the Emperor's neck tightly* WHERE DID THEY GO!?

Emperor: *struggles to say* T- they went to the p- planet w- where Errith and Dreix f- found you.


The Emperor gives Obe a data card that contains the information Obe need to find the planet Hades and Dreix went to. Obe quickly went to his starship and made haste to the coordinates.

Obe: *to himself* I'm coming Luna. I'll save you and your parents. Just hold on a bit longer.

Time Skip 6 Hours

The planet comes into view

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The planet comes into view. Obe sensed his connection to the planet. Remembering being found by the ones he called his parents. He quickly shakes it off and remembers why he is here. To kill Dreix and Hades, then make sure Luna, Magnus, and Marcia are safe. He lands, then when he gets out he sees a ruined city.

Obe moves quickly, but cautiously, keeping his guard up

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Obe moves quickly, but cautiously, keeping his guard up. Only a few minuets pass until many Jedi, Sith and many troops surround Obe and try to kill him. Obe kills them quickly without any mercy, for only two things are on his mind, kill all who get in the way and get to his family. He senses Luna nearby and makes his way to the location. He stops to see an old abandoned castle.

He tries to move cautiously, but then he hears what sounds like Luna screaming in pain

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He tries to move cautiously, but then he hears what sounds like Luna screaming in pain. Without thinking, he rushes in, lightsabers ignited, he cuts down any and all that he sees until he reaches the dungeons. He runs throughout them until he sees Luna.

Obe: LUNA!! *happy*

Luna: *quickly turns with tears in her eyes* OBE!?

Obe cuts down the bars to get to Luna, but then he is struck with black force lightning.


Obe is shocked until he goes unconscious.

Time Skip 1 Hour 

Obe wakes up in a throne room as he is stood up by some Sith and Jedi following Hades. Hades stands from the throne as Dreix walks next to him.

Hades: You are as smart as Dreix told me, but very foolish to come here alone young Obe. *Obe glares at him* You know Obe, when you killed my acolyte Loth, you made it very difficult for me to gather my followers, my... worshipers. *takes sword out, smirking*

Obe: *still glaring at Hades* So what do you plan to do? Kill me?

Hades: *laughs* Oh no, not yet anyway. Loth was my most favored worshiper, and you made my journey to godhood suffer. *smiles evilly* So I think it's time you suffer so much pain before your death... Starting with mental.

Obe then realizes what Hades meant and tries to move, but is then held down by Dreix.

(Imagine Satine as Luna, Maul as Hades, Obi wan as Obe, and the darksaber as Hades' sword)

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(Imagine Satine as Luna, Maul as Hades, Obi wan as Obe, and the darksaber as Hades' sword)

Hades gestures to them to let Obe go to to Luna, while Luna's parents look in horror. Obe holds Luna in his arms.

Obe: Luna no!! *tears in his eyes, Luna reaches to his faces as Obe holds her hand* 

Luna: *struggling to speak* O- Obe, p- *coughs a bit of blood* please promise me s- something?

Obe: *holding her close* Anything Luna. *tears streaming down his face*

Luna: *coughs* D- don't be l- like them. *gestures to Hades and the other Sith, Obe nods at her as she weakly smiles* I- I l- love you... *her eyes close as she dies*

Obe: No... *tears still going down his face* NONONONONO!!

Hades: *laughing* Well that was enjoyable. Now its time for- 

A giant pulse of energy is felt. Everyone looks around to see where it came from. Then they see its coming from... Obe.

(imagine the figure as Obe still knelling on the ground

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(imagine the figure as Obe still knelling on the ground. idk who the figure is.)

Hades: W- what is this power?

Dreix: *wide eyed* What have we done?

A/N: That's Chapter 14 everyone. The story is almost done. I hope you've been enjoying it. Cya in the next chapter. 

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