Chapter 8: Deception

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After Obe's talk with Magnus, he began to start his journey on becoming a better Sith, no, a better person. Helping those in need, always putting peoples needs above his own, and becoming a person he can be truly proud to be.

Time Skip 2 Months

During the course of the months that passed, Obe had became 15 and when Luna's family found out, they threw him a surprise celebration. Everyone began to see how close Luna and Obe started to become. Obe however, is very confused on what he is feeling for Luna. Luna knowing how she feels about Obe, she tries to confess to him, but gets nervous and just teases him and gets him confused. Obe plans of confronting her with the teasing and tell her these mysterious feelings he's having for her. Meanwhile, Gaunter is busy with his plots, but not busy enough to see Obe and Luna, and he does not approve, he seeks a way to break the 2 away from each other.

Gaunter: *in his room, visibly angry* Who does that filthy peasant think he is!? Trying to get my sister!! I will not have it, I won't let this happen!! *calms a bit to think* I must find a way to either drive them away, or I'll have to bring HIM into the picture. *holding a picture into view*

Gaunter: *smirks* Valek, I may have to bring you in

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Gaunter: *smirks* Valek, I may have to bring you in. *he puts the photo away as he leaves the room*

Time Skip 4 Weeks

In the throne room, Magnus, Marcia and Luna are making Obe an honorary knight of their kingdom, as Obe has sworn to not only protect the royal family, but protect the kingdom with its citizens as well. Obe raises as Magnus smiles at him.

Magnus: Obe my boy, you have made tremendous progress in your time here. You have earned your place here amongst our people. *puts hand on Obe's shoulder* I think I speak for all of us when I say, we couldn't have asked for a better person than you Obe.

Obe: *smiles at Magnus* I thank you for this honor King Magnus. I promise I will not let any of you down. I promise you all. *looks to all in the room as the crowd cheers*

Luna: *in her thoughts* I'm so happy Obe has made it this far. He truly is a wonderful person.

Everyone begins to clear the room as Obe speaks up.

Obe: Luna, *Luna turns to him* may I speak to you alone?

Luna: *she looks at her parents and they nod at her, Luna approaches Obe* Sure Obe, what do you need to talk about?

Obe: *sees if everyone is gone, then he looks to Luna with a serious face* What has been going on with you lately?

Luna: *she looks at Obe confused* W- what do you mean Obe?

Obe: Don't play dumb Luna, you have been acting weird towards me lately. Like you turning red faced and running away from me, doing these weird jokes at me. 

Luna: *tries to fight back* OH YEAH!? What about you!? You are always watching me, trying to see if I'm safe, always being protective of me. Above everyone else in the kingdom, you're around ME the most. TELL ME WHY!!

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