Chapter 11: Luna's Training

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After the night of celebration, Obe takes it upon himself to give Luna, Magnus and Marcia a tour of the entire Academy. He starts with the Library and Archives, then shows them the training grounds, but Zurd and Ploc tried to make trouble again by trying to attack Luna's parents, only to get severely injured by Obe again. Obe then shows them the entrances to some Sith lord tombs, he tells them to avoid them due to the creatures within. He then finalizes the tour by showing them the Academy Cantina, which Luna's parents were treated to some new drinks they enjoyed. They reach back to the private quarters.

Obe: So what do you think of the Sith Academy?

Magnus: Honestly... *Marcia nods to him* can't say we're surprised that there's not any children in training here, but other than that it seems to suit you Sith.

Obe: *shrugs* It's how we Sith live, a lot of us live for battle, some for their own gain, and some just want to try to rule the galaxy with an iron fist, but you guys showed the Dark Council and the Emperor something during your meeting with them.

Marcia: *confused* And what would that be Obe?

Obe: *smiles* You showed them that there are some out there willing to join the empire, as long as we're willing to help each other. *looks at Luna* Like you helped me recover, and I helped your kingdom in anyway I could. You three even helped me start to truly care for others. So now I want to help you guys again.

Magnus: *confused* Help us how?

Obe: *ignites lightsaber* I want to teach you 3 how to fight with lightsabers, that so you can teach certain people on your planet as well. *puts lightsaber away* What do you say?

Luna, Magnus, and Marcia: *they silently talk to each other, after a few minuets they turn to Obe* We accept your offer.

Obe: *smiles and stands up* Then lets not waste any time. Though it is gonna take a while to get a safe spot for us to start training. I'll see what I can do though. *leaves the room*

Time Skip 1 Week

After a week, Obe was able to get a spot reserved in one of the Academy's training rooms. Obe wasted no time in starting their training. Obe then gives the three training sabers for their lessons.

Obe: For the time being, we will be using these training sabers until I think it's safe for us to use real lightsabers for the more, extensive part of the training

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Obe: For the time being, we will be using these training sabers until I think it's safe for us to use real lightsabers for the more, extensive part of the training. Alright?

Magnus: *nods and smiles* Nothing like the basics huh? Heheh.

*Errith walks in with the Emperor*

Obe: *surprised* Mother, Emperor, what are you doing here?

Emperor: Your mother and I were talking, *looks at Errith and she nods* and we decided that we'll handle Magnus and Marcia's saber training, while you handle Luna's training. Is that acceptable to you Obe?

Obe: *shocked, but smiles* Y- yeah, that would be fantastic heheh. *looks to Luna, sees she's a bit nervous* Luna, *she looks at him* do you trust me? *she nods* Then trust me when I say, I would never do anything to really hurt you, this is just training so you don't have to be too afraid of the Sith who try to look down on you. Ok? *gives her a smile*

Luna: *smiles back confidently* Yeah. Lets do it. 

Obe: *pats her back* That's the spirit. *leads her to a holo recording of the 7 forms of lightsaber combat* Now before we begin, what form do you think seems to suit you the most? 

Luna: *she looks at the recording for a while before answering* I think form 3 would be best for me.

Obe: Ah, a good choice, while it's mainly defensive, its main goal is to wait for your opponent to make a mistake or leave an opening in their attack so you can strike a deadly blow. Lets begin.

 They begin with simple strikes and battle stances. At first, Luna was a bit clumsy with her stance and strikes, but Obe was quick to help her correct herself. They would continue training at this pace to give her time to master form 3.

Time Skip 4 Weeks 

Luna has made tremendous progress on form 3 to the point that Obe decided to give her a lightsaber to practice with. Obe intensifies the training, being more aggressive with his strikes and keeping her on the defensive. Until she then got an opening, she got Obe on the ground and pointed the lightsaber at his neck, panting hard. Obe smiles at her as he gets up.

Obe: *laughs a bit* Well done Luna. You have mastered form 3 of lightsaber combat, and in a fantastic amount of time as well heheh.

Luna: *smiles at him* I couldn't have done it without your help.

Obe: Now onto the next part. *Luna looks at him surprised* Yeah, that wasn't all. Now you have to learn how to block blaster bolts. *has a few training blaster droids* Don't worry, these are on the safest setting, they'll only sting you. *activates one* We'll start with one, then we'll add more as the previous amount gets easy for you.

Luna gets in a defensive stance as she prepares to defend against the droid. She struggles a bit, but she quickly gets the hang of it.

 She struggles a bit, but she quickly gets the hang of it

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(Imagine Luke replaced with Luna)

As she continues with this training, Obe adds more droids to make it more difficult for her. She struggles with the sheer numbers, but she gets sharper every time she strains.

Time Skip 2 Weeks

Luna has mastered deflection to the point that she perfectly deflects all the bolts back to the droids, shutting them down. Obe congratulates her on her progress as she hugs him tightly.

Luna: Thank you for teaching me Obe. *smiles at him*

Obe: *smiles back at her* You've made amazing progress. It's simply amazing Luna. Now though, its time for the last part.

Luna: *confused, lets go of Obe* What more could there be?

Obe: I have a friend in the Jedi Order who was able to set something special up. Its usually something meant only for force sensitives, but thanks to a little combined effort, you and your parents can go and create your own lightsabers. 

Luna: *gets excited* R- REALLY!? *Obe nods and she jumps into his arms, giving him a kiss* THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!

Obe: *laughing at her excitement* Ok ok heheh. *she gets off him* Lets go get your parents and we can get started.

Luna nods at Obe as they get Magnus and Marcia. As they all get ready, 2 figures were listening in the shadows, they reveal themselves to be Zurd and Ploc.

Zurd: At least she'll be a decent challenge to kill.

Ploc: So what's the plan?

Zurd: We'll attack as they leave the planet they're going to. We'll kill them face to face, starting with the girl. *they both start to laugh evilly*

A/N: That's Chapter 11 everyone. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. 

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