Chapter 9: Reunion

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A/N: Couldn't find a better Image for the chapter.

Errith Pov: during Obe's fight with Valek

Errith is on her warship still searching for Obe. She is in the last known location that Obe was last seen before Darth Drun revealed his treachery. His betrayal was found out as soon as he was confronted by Errith, in a rage, she killed Drun before he could be interrogated. Now she was faced with the hard task with trying to find Obe in unknown space. She was slowly giving up hope.

Errith: *to herself* I hope he was wrong. I miss my boy...

Admiral: My lady, *Errith looks to him* I'm sorry to say we aren't picking him up on any of the planets here. I think it's best to move to the next system.

Errith: *she nods slowly, then she suddenly feels a humongous force energy burst* W- WHAT!?

Admiral: What is it my lady!? 

Errith: I sensed a huge release of force energy. *realizes* IT MUST BE HIM!!

Admiral: Can you pinpoint it?

Errith: Yes. *a galactic holo map is brought up as she point to a location* There. *turns to look at the admiral* Set the course.

The ships quickly go into hyperspace to the pointed galaxy as their search starts to shape up.

Time Skip Present Day, Location Animorph

The kingdom is having a celebration for how long their planet has been peaceful, no war, and no bloodshed in over centuries. Many come from far away lands to celebrate the time of peace with their fellow people. Amongst them are King Magnus, Queen Marcia, Princess Luna, and the off worlder that always lent them a hand when needed, the Sith known as Obe. The celebration begins.

(couldn't find an image at all to match)

Obe is enjoying being here to celebrate this with all that he helped in his time, and the one he fell in love with. Luna and Obe have been spending more time with each other since they announced their love to everyone. The celebration is to go on for 2 weeks. Then Obe feels a disturbance, Luna notices his look of worry.

Luna: Obe what's wrong?

Obe: *rubs his head* I sense someone. One of my kind approaching the planet.

Suddenly a huge shadow is casted over the city as all present look to the sky.

Suddenly a huge shadow is casted over the city as all present look to the sky

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All present begin to panic as they head into the buildings and homes as the ship begins to land. Obe proceeds to run towards the landing site as Luna and many soldiers follow behind them. The ship opens up as some troopers begin to move out with a figure seen behind them. As the figure is put into view, Obe goes wide eyed as he knows who it is.

 As the figure is put into view, Obe goes wide eyed as he knows who it is

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Obe: M- Mother? *he slowly starts to walk to her*

Errith: *she hears Obe, looks at him and goes wide eyed as Obe stops* Obe...

Obe: Mother I- OOPH!! *he gets tackled to the ground from Errith tackle hugging him in tears*

Errith: *crying while holding Obe tightly* MY BABY BOY!! I FINALLY FOUND YOU, I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!

Obe: *struggles to get up, but is able to and hugs Errith back* Mother... I'm so happy to see you.

They continue to embrace as Luna and her parents watch and shed a few happy tears for them. They continue like this until Errith finally breaks the hug and smiles at Obe.

Errith: I'm so happy that you're alive my son. *looks at Luna and her parents* Who are those three?

Obe: *smiles* Mother, these are the people who helped me when I crashed here. *points to Magnus* That is Magnus, king of this planet, known as Animorph. *points to Marcia* That is his wife, queen Marcia. *walks up to Luna and kisses her cheek, making her blush a bit* And this is princess Luna. *shows Errith their rings* My promised wife.

Errith: *she goes wide eyed and suddenly hugs Luna* I welcome you to my family. My future daughter in law.

Luna: *smiles and hugs back* I'm very honored to meet you my future mother in law.

Obe: *suddenly remembers something* Mother, *Errith turns to him* what happened with Darth Drun?

Errith: He was found out after a thorough investigation. *gives an angry look* Then I killed him for trying to kill you. *laughs a bit* He begged for his life as well, the idiotic fool heheh.

Obe: I'm just happy that his plans will never come into fruition. *smiles at Errith*

Errith: *confused at Obe* Obe, I've never seen you be so... full of emotions before. What happened while you were here?

Obe: That's quite a long story mother.

Errith: Well we have lots of time.

One explanation later   

Errith: *hugging Obe* So many reasons to be so proud of you right now Obe. *she looks to Magnus and Marcia* Would you be interested in making your planet part of the Sith Empire? I promise that no one will try to take advantage of you.

Magnus: *surprised* Well, we would need to speak to your Empire's leaders before making our final decision. *Marcia nods in agreement*

Errith: Well, I can contact the Emperor and the Dark Council members for that kind of meeting while we make our way to Korriban. *they nod in agreement* Very well. Lets not waste anytime.

They waste no time preparing for the journey to Korriban, a few Animorph royal guards come onto the ship with the king, queen, and princess. Luna insisted on going with them cause she wanted to travel the galaxy, but she really just wanted to stay by Obe's side. The journey takes a few hours as Obe takes Luna near a window of the ship to see the planet of Korriban, she is star struck at the view.

 The journey takes a few hours as Obe takes Luna near a window of the ship to see the planet of Korriban, she is star struck at the view

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Obe: Luna. *she looks at him and sees him giving her a serious look* The planet may look nice, but it is the main training ground for new Sith, some may try to hurt you and your parents, others will try to kill you. I want you to promise me that you'll stay near me at all costs. Ok? *Luna nods* Alright. *he holds her close as the ship begins its descent to the planet*

A/N: That's Chapter 9 everyone. I hope you guys liked it. Cya in the next chapter.

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