Chapter 2: Raised In Rage

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Time skip 6 years

Obe has begun his training in the dark side of the force, being taught that he can draw his power from his emotions. Currently in his chambers, young Obe is meditating and keeps repeating the Sith code.

 Currently in his chambers, young Obe is meditating and keeps repeating the Sith code

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Obe: *eyes closed* Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free me. *he continues repeating until he hears his chamber doors open, he turns and sees Dreix and Errith* Hello masters, what may I help you with?

Dreix: We merely came to check on your progress with the force young Obe. It seems to be going well so far...

Errith: And how many times do we need to tell you, you may call us mother and father if you wish to, others may see it as a weakness, but we do not see it that way. *she then ruffles Obe's hair a bit*

Obe: Forgive me, but I do not wish to be seen as weak by anyone, I just wish to be strong like-*someone else enters the chambers*

???: How sentimental, wouldn't you two say? Heheh, how pathetic, especially for a future Sith. *smirks evilly*

Dreix and Errith: Darth Loth!!

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Dreix and Errith: Darth Loth!!

Errith: You have some nerve coming in here without our permission and start insulting our son. *she ignites her lightsaber* Leave now and live, or stay and die!!

Loth: *ignites his lightsaber* You two don't have the power to even touch me.

Dreix: *ignites his lightsaber* So you've said before, but you've never defeated us. *turns to Obe* Get somewhere safe and wait for us. *Obe nods and runs*

Loth: Guess he'll be spared of watching you two die heheh.

*Loth makes the first move by swinging his lightsaber at Dreix while shooting lighting at Errith, they bock the attacks but then they both get force pushed away from each other, letting Loth get an advantage and attack Dreix aggressively, Dreix is barely able to block the attacks as Errith tries to make her way to help Dreix, Loth sees her getting closer as he kicks Dreix away to shoot more lightning at Errith to slow her down, Errith blocks the lightning, but is launched at a wall as Loth launched a powerful force push at her to render her unconscious, that angers Dreix as he uses the force to grab Errith's lightsaber and uses both their lightsabers to fight against Loth*

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