Chapter 6: Animorph

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Time Skip 2 Months

Obe crashed onto the mysterious planet and has been unconscious for 2 months with no signs of waking up any time soon. The only one how has left his side very little times was the princess of the kingdom. Princess Luna felt that it was up to her to make sure that Obe woke up into a calm situation and eased him to his surroundings. She is currently in the room while the doctors are examining him the best they can, her father then enters the room.

Magnus: *looks to the doctor* Any signs yet?

Doctor1: No my king, only twitches now and then, but nothing other than that.

Magnus: It's been 2 months, I'm honestly surprised he's not awake yet. *looks to his daughter and places a hand on her shoulder* Have you seen anything?

Luna: A few times I saw him make his hand into a fist, but other than that no father. *she holds Obe's hand* I have hope that he'll be ok though.

Magnus: I do as well, *turns to exit* don't forget to take care of yourself though my daughter. *leaves the room to see his wife Marcia*

Marcia: Anything yet? *Magnus shakes his head* Such a shame, I do hope that boy will pull through. *they leave together*

Gaunter: *mutters* Why does everyone care for this simple peasant? My mother and father give him around the clock care yet he doesn't wake. My sister basically coddles him and he still doesn't have the decency to wake up. Best to just leave him to die. *he walks to the room, looking through the door, still muttering* Yet my sister stays... I'll allow it for a bit longer.

A few hours pass as Luna has left the room to talk to her mother quickly while the doctors continue their examination. Obe's body then begins to move a bit, then his eyes begin to flutter open as a doctor tries to give him medicine.

Obe: *eyes begin to open, he sees someone trying to get close to him, he panics and suddenly punches them away and begins to attack the other doctors* GET AWAY FROM ME!!

Outside the room Luna and Marcia hear the commotion and quickly enter the room and see Obe attacking the doctors and is in a state of panic, he keeps yelling "GET AWAY!!". Luna then decides to try to get closer, despite her mothers warnings. Obe hears footsteps behind him and quickly turns around to see the same girl that helped him when he got out of his ship, he begins to calm a bit, but he is still on edge.

Luna: *trying to calm him as she gets closer* Its ok, nobody is going to hurt you, we're here to help you. Please, we only want to help.

Obe: *tries backing away, but backs up to a wall, a bit shaken up* W- where am I? W- what is t- this place? *begins to tense up more as Luna gets closer to him*

Obe was about to run from Luna, but then she does something that shocks everyone present, even Obe. She hugged him gently and slowly pets his head, trying reassure him that everything is going to be ok. Obe wasn't used to this, but it was calming to him, made him a bit... happy. He began to remember when his mother did this to help him when he had nightmares. Then he opened his eyes to see that not only Luna was still hugging him, but he was hugging her back. She looked at him and gave him a smile, which he smirked nicely to.

Luna: Do you feel better now? *still hugging him as he nods* Good, you had us all worried.

Obe: Where... am I exactly? Last thing I remember is seeing your face after being shot down just outside a weird planet...

Marcia: *surprised* Wait... are you saying that you came from space?

Obe: Yes I did, I was fighting against Republic forces with Darth Drun, after the battle though... *lowers head* He ordered the entire fleet to try to kill me. He betrayed me and he's going to try to take over the Sith Empire.

Luna: *more concerned about Obe almost killed, she hugs him tightly* I'm so sorry that happened to you. *Obe looks to her*

Obe: Its the one fatal truth to the life of the Sith, we always betray each other for either power, or jealousy.

Marcia: Jealousy? *Obe looks to her*

Obe: *nods* Drun was apparently jealous not only cause I was rising in rank quickly in the empire, but also cause my power in the force is growing stronger as well. *looks at his hands* I just hope his plans either fail, or I'm able to stop him.

Magnus: *at the doorway* The force? I have never heard of such a thing, and the Sith Empire?

Obe: *sits on the bed* To answer your second question, the Sith Empire is a steadily growing power in the entire galaxy, we are trying to rule the entire galaxy.

Magnus, Marcia and Luna: THE ENTIRE GALAXY!? *Obe nods*

Obe: To answer your first question, the force is... How do I put this? *thinks* The Force is a mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together. Harnessing the power of the Force gives the Jedi, the Sith, and others sensitive to this spiritual energy extraordinary abilities, such as levitating objects, tricking minds, and seeing things before they happen.

(got that from this link )

Magnus: *blinks a few time* That's very descriptive.

Marcia: Who are the Jedi? *all 3 look at Obe*

Obe: The Jedi are people like the Sith, except they use the light side of the force, while we Sith use the dark, but the Jedi can become emotionless drones, forbidding relationships, attachments, while we Sith are able to express ourselves, but most of us let our anger get the best of us. *head lowers*

Luna: *she puts a hand on Obe's shoulder* What side do you think is best? *he looks at her*

Obe: *sighs* I honestly don't know anymore, I was raised in the dark side of the force, but after reading some Jedi secrets... I don't know how I should continue.

Luna: *thinks* Why not try both, but still be a Sith? *Obe looks at her confused* I mean, you don't have to be selfish like most Sith are, but not be emotionless like these Jedi are. Does that make sense to you?

Obe: *gets a small smile and nods* Yeah, that makes perfect sense to me. Thank you miss Luna. *bows his head*

Luna: *she gets a small blush* O- oh its no p- problem at all heheh.

All the while, Luna's brother was watching from the doorway with a look of disgust on his face. 

Gaunter: *thinks to himself* What right does he have talking to father, mother, and my sister like we're equal to him? That disgusting off worlder! I'll find a way to scare him. That'll teach the rabble to try to treat us like we're equal to him!!

A/N: And another chapter done. I'd say pretty good myself heheh. cya in the next chapter.

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