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How long has it been since that day when he met her, his heart, love, soul, treasure. Tommorow is their 3 years anniversary, so he was hoping on having a very romantic evening, of course it was a surprise. He had everything just about finished, now all that's left was leaving his son to someone's house. he had brought her flowers, her favourite flower baby's breath. He walked past training ground 7 and rememeber their fateful encounter, their first meeting. It brought a lot of memories back, it was still fresh to him.

Hatake Kakashi walked to the room where his students were, grunting, yes he was not happy being a jounin-sensei. He was too angry to notice the duster in the door so he fell for obvious prank and felt even horrible knowing it was done by a genin wannabes. So, being in his current mood he glared at no one in particular and left saying 'I hate you all, meet me in the roof in 10 minutes' missing certain blonde's glare.

When the kids reached the roof, he was already there leaning against the railings. He looked at each one, a pink-haired fan-girl, a depressed Uchiha and finally, a blonde ... woah is that goddess, she looked good enough to eat. Kakashi stared at the blonde for quite some time making her squirm in her seat. For once, he was glad that he had a mask on then at least the children didn't see him drooling over the girl. So, he cleared his thought and said "All right, let's get to know each other. Tell me your likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams and so on" while eyeing the blonde like a hungry dog.

The pink-haired fanatic raised her hands grabbing his attention "Sensei, why don't you show us how it's done." he had the urge to growl at the girl but thought better of it and eye-smiled the blonde "Well, My name is Hatake Kakashi, the eligeable bachelor of Konoha, my likes are blondes" at this he got a confused look from Sakura, blank look from Sasuke and a suspicious look from Naru "my dislikes, hobbies and dreams ... Well you go nrxt pinky". Naru glared at the man, she wanted to kick him in the chin and put a kunai up his ass just for fun and laugh while he bled. She had a bad feeling about his gravity-defying-silver-haired-suspicious-mask-wearing-one-eyed cyslone.

Kakashi didn't pay attention to Sasuke and Sakura that he had dubbed as pinky and emo, he was very curious about her likes, dislikes, dreams and hobbies. "My name is Uzumaki Naru" Gods her voice was so sweet like velevet he could easily get addicted to it "I like flowers and my friends, I dislikes perverts and people who look down on other people's dreams, my hobbies is gardening and ummm i guess that's it?". She looked so confused and adorable that Kakashi had to put his hands inside his pockets to stop himself from from holding her and kissing her kissable pink lips, her ash blond hair that went just below her shoulder, her wide innocent fuschia eyes. He still wondered how a 12 year old could have such lush curves of an adult. Kakashi thought whoever married her would be the luckiest man in the Konoha because she would become more beautiful.

He grinned sillyly at no one in particular and thought he was lucky to have her as his wife, his mate. Each day he would wake up next to her and smile idiotically thinking how happy and lucky he was. At first he was only interested in her however thatsoon changed on the mission to the wave. It was when she was inside Haku's ice cube with Sasuke. It still let him cold knowing she could have died.

Kakashi glared at Zabuza, one of the seven swordsman from the mist. The only obstacle that stopped him from his prize ,Naru, his Naru. He glanced at the cube that held Naru and Sasuke. He was so angry and anxious, not being able to be next to her made him feel so overwhelmed by saddness. His rage made him want blood of the man that stood before him because he was so sure that she would die if he didn't hurry. He gathered all of his chakra into his chidori and put it through his heart making him scream in agony. Haku dropped the cube after hearing his master's scream of agony and ran to his side hoping to save him. he cried harder knowing the man would die if something wasn't done. So, he carried Zabuza's body and left into the forests.

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