𝕽𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖓 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓|𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐮|

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by : uhhno

You're going down…!"

Uchiha Madara was a proud man; a man with honor. Even if he were to be reborn, he would be climbing up the food chain and remain there on his throne until his death. So when a person told him that, a woman no less, with so much confidence and certainty, there were bound to be death, and he wasn't planning to die today.

Though Madara hadn't known that Uzumaki Naruto, the woman (who was terrible at talking smack during battles), wasn't talking to him who was standing before her in the middle of the open forest, instead she was talking to Black Zetsu who clung to Madara like a shadow.

So when Madara made the first move to attack instead of Black Zetsu who Madara didn't seem to have noticed, Naruto was taken by surprise, but luckily, her shinobi training came in handy and she dodged his incoming fist.

"Fast," the Uchiha clan heir thought as his gaze followed the woman who had jumped into the air not even using minimum amount of chakra to give her a boost.

Then, the next thing he knew, the strange blonde woman had a sphere of chakra that had been whizzing in circular motion which came down onto to him in mere seconds. He barely escaped the attack. Now, looking at the ground in which the attack landed on, his eyes widened a fraction, his poker-face intact, at the vicinity of the crater that the sphere of chakra created.

"If she hits me with that, I'm as good as dead." He admired the technique that was unseen or unheard of before, he wondered what she had called that technique.

He concluded that her power would match even him after mere minutes of their fight, and that gave him the excitement to continue their battle. For the first time since his last battle with his rival, Senju Hashirama, Madara smirked without the usual arrogance, nor the attitude he displayed to those beneath him.

Meanwhile, Naruto had been feeling the same thing as Madara: excitement. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as the fight went on. Blow by blow, punch by punch, kick by kick. She hadn't had this much fun since her last fight with Sasuke at training ground seven.

Still, she came to the past for a reason, or, well… she came to the past by accident - Naruto just made a reason to be in the past since she and Kurama had tried everything from reverse summoning to trying to use the gift that the Sage of Six Paths have given her during the Fourth Great Shinobi War.

It was fun and games for the duration of their battle. The landscape that once used to be full of lush grass, plants, and trees, were destroyed, only the craters and wrecked trunks of trees showed, but the two didn't realize that they had demolished acres of land for their fight. Madara even had to summon his gunbai to keep his strengths on the same level as Naruto's.

However, just then, at the midst of the epic armed conflict, Kurama reminded Naruto. "Naruto, this isn't the time to have fun! Did you forget what you were going to do to Black Zetsu?!" From the loud roar, Naruto flinched, then scratched her ears, and finally sighed.

"Fine, fine, Kurama. Geez, don't get your panties in a knot," she said to the giant grumbling fox who had looked like he'd woken up from his beauty sleep, though there was no way she'd tell him that. Kurama replied, before she ditched her mindscape, with his middle finger out and of course with some curse words.
Closing in, they brawled with their choice of weapons. Even if they met briefly with their blades, the impact were deadly and fierce.

At their final meeting at the interval, Naruto pierced the air that barely penetrated Madara's neck, but what did penetrate through was through the black substance that formed when the blade touched. This black substance was the physical manifestation of Kaguya, an enemy. "H-How…?"

♥︎|𝕱𝖊𝖒.𝕹𝖆𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖔|♥︎ 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now