𝕻𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖚𝖕 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖎𝖊𝖈𝖊𝖘|𝐒𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐮|

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Naruto and Sasuke have been in a relationship for some time now, but their happiness crumbles then falls into pieces and Naruto is left alone to pick them up. Break up fic.

So empty' she thought, lying on the sofa, her dull blue eyes scanning over the living room. She wasn't so sure if she meant the space of herself. Most probably both.

It all happened so fast, she never imagined it would go down so fast, it went downhill in three weeks. Well, not entirely, she noticed the first signs back in December, he easily got irritated and their normal bickering felt real, as he was meaning to hurt her. But she hushed it away, he had a lot on his plate, after all, he was working two jobs so that they could pay the rent.

On the other hand, she was home all the time, it didn't matter how many CVs she sent out, they wouldn't call her back. She felt depression creeping in through the windows, whispering in the dark how worthless she was. She desperately wanted to help him, take half of his burden and get rid of the demon with red eyes.

But she could only blame the situation for so long.

As January came, they offered Sasuke a full-time job. Suddenly he had free time, weekends not being worked through.

And she was devastated to see that nothing changed. They still didn't talk enough, they still didn't do anything together and his words were laced with poison, hurtful and mean. She couldn't take it longer, she broke down.

"Something is not right between us!" her voice was pleading, asking him to deny this, to say that everything is all right. Instead, cold black orbs turned to look at her.

"Yeah, I know and I'm just not sure if it ever will be. This period was really hard, for both of us. Let's wait and see if we can rest it out, okay?"

Her tears were falling silently but she nodded none the less. They will keep trying, they will try to make things okay again, after all, he wanted to do it too, didn't he? That's why he asked her to wait, right?But nothing was right from that day on, she was crying all day when he was gone and tried to smile and be sweet when he was home. She did what she could, which included all the chores at home, making lunch for him every day and trying to find a job.But they didn't talk at all when he was home, they ate, watched movies and went to sleep. When she hugged him he didn't hug back, their kisses became pecks on the lips, the smile he was preserving for her was no longer present. And worst of all, they didn't celebrate their anniversary. The fifth one, even though it meant the world for Naruto, he said that he was too tired and she just accepted this.

It became suffocating to stay at home, but she couldn't go anywhere, all her friends were working and going out required money, which she didn't have much. So, she stayed home, getting rejections from all the places she applied to and being rejected by Sasuke every day when they went to the bed.

She felt she was being crushed, the demon inside her was laughing at her weakness.

"I will go and visit Tsunade for a few days" it was a sudden idea, she could see that it surprised Sasuke. She felt the need to escape, and she decided that her godmother could use some help. And it has been quite some time since she visited Jiraya's grave. "You would have some alone time, I feel like I'm getting on your nerves by being here."

"It's stupid" he stated simply. "If you want to visit Tsunade do it, but don't do it to give me space, that is just unnecessary waste of money."

So, she stayed, she didn't want to waste his money. But in a few days' time, it felt like a mistake. She finally broke, she couldn't take it any longer. He was saying that he wanted to save their relationship, but he wasn't acting on it. He did nothing.

♥︎|𝕱𝖊𝖒.𝕹𝖆𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖔|♥︎ 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now