𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖊|𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐮|

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Slight AU; so just go with what the story says and don't ask any questions

Naruto, and any Rookie Nine that pop up, is 15, Team Gai are 16; Kakashi is 29.

Even though I never state it specifically Naruto is dressed like Hinata in RTN, only in orange and black.

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"Congratulations, on passing Kakashi's test again?" Tsunade said, "This means that after Naruto's two and half year absence Team 7 will be reforming; but as Team Kakashi this time. Even though Naruto is still only a Genin, technically, she has at least Chünin level skills, so your team will need to be prepared to take missions of all levels, understood?"


"Good," Tsunade said, "Hatake, Haruno, you may go; I'll inform you when a mission comes for you team. Hatake I want a team write-up ASAP. Naruto, you stay I have something to discuss with you." Sakura and Kakashi silently left the room and Naruto plopped herself on the couch in the office.

"So, what do you want, Baa-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Don't call me that!" Tsunade growled automatically, "Jiraiya said he fixed all the issues with your academy learning, is that right?"

"Yes, it was a total waste of the first six months we were gone, seeing as he had to go over the whole academy curriculum." Naruto said, "All the important things about Konoha I knew because Jii-chan used to tell me when I was younger, but 80% of the things about everywhere and everything else was wrong, plus Ero-sennin had to completely redo my kunoichi lessons."

"So am I to take it he had to teach you sex ed. as well?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes," Naruto said with a slight blush, "and if I needed examples he would read small excerpts from his books. I ended up reading the whole series in private because some of the things seemed like something I'd want to try in the future; but don't tell him that or the perv will never let me hear the end of it."

"You secrets safe with me, you're not the first woman to use his ideas," Tsunade said with a sly smile, "Now back to the main topic of what I wanted to speak to you about. I take it Jiraiya also went over the additional threats kunoichi face in the line of duty."

"Yes, like how kunoichi are twice as likely to be targeted to be taken prisoner," Naruto said, "but it's thought they are easier to break through 'physical' means."

"Right; now that brings be to the main subject," Tsunade said, "The council seems to think there is higher risks to kunoichi after they have reached the rank of Chünin; so they passed a law stating no kunoichi over the rank of Chünin was allowed to go out in the field unless they lost their innocence."

"You mean the council can force people to sleep with each other?" Naruto asked incredulously.

"Yes, unfortunately." Tsunade said as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "It stems from the fact more and more ninja are coming from civilian families. The way civilians are raised leads them to believe that their 'first' is important and they need an emotional connection to that person, or so says the council."

"Sounds like crap to me," Naruto said, "I never heard anything like that and I was basically raised by civilians, and Sakura never said anything like that."

"You were raised with a more shinobi outlook on life than you realized," Tsunade said, "The third made sure of that, because he knew as the village's Jinchuriki you would be force to follow that path by the council sooner or later. But the Council is using the civilian's outlook on an 'emotional connection' as their basis for the law."

"How?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Stating that 'if a civilian-born kunoichi was to be attacked by an enemy ninja they may become emotional attached to that ninja and betray the village,' " Tsunade said, "they also fear it may happen to a ninja-born kunoichi as well so no virgins in the field."

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