𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖞𝖔𝖚|𝐒𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐮|

713 24 0

by:hihana 194


"Person speaking"


Seven years have passed since Uzumaki Naru's best friend, rival and love ran away to the S-class missing nin Orochimaru. What no one other then the Konoha 12 and their sensei's, anbu, Tsunade and Jiraya knew was that he had been sent on a mission. The mission was to terminate 2 S-classed missing nin, The snake sanin, Orochimaru and Uchiha Itachi.

Most of the Konoha 12 had found out about 4 years ago when they had made it to jounin. Naru had found out when she returned from facing him at the sound village, when her, Sai, Sakura and Yamato found him.

Most of the Konoha 12 were going out with someone, Shikamaru and Temari had gotten together a year after Sasuke had left, They were now married with a 1 year old girl, Temari moved to Konoha, though still visited her brothers in suna sometimes. Shikamaru was Konoha's top startegist and an anbu, Temari was a jounin and worked as the Suna-Konoha representative.

Tenten and Neji soon followed them and got married, they are both in Anbu, with Tenten being Konoha's weapon specialist. Neji had gotten the caged-bird seal taken off him by Naru, like all the other branch members of the Hyuuga. Hiashi had shaped up and apoligised to both his daughters and had Naru help him unite both of the houses, he had then made Neji clan head, both Hinata and Hanabi were happy as they didn't want to be clan head.

Both girls were each dating someone, Hinata was dating the current Kazekage, Gaara They were engaged. Hinata had moved to Suna, though she visted every couple of months. She was working as a medical ninja over there and was teaching more of Suna ninja's the medical arts.

Hanabi was dating Konohamaru, both had graduated as genins together, with Udon and Moegi. All 4 of the Konohamaru corps were Chuunin now and were taking to jounin exams next year. Udon was dating Moegi as well, both couples often went on double dates together.

Hinata's teamates Kiba and Shino were also dating people, Kiba was going out with Ino and was thinking of asking her to marry him. Ino had gotten over Sasuke and had seen the hot, inuzuka and instantly became attracted to him. Kiba had thought Ino was hot, sexy and his Bitch.

Shino was dating a girl from his clan called Yumi, the 2 were engaged. Yume had fitted in good with the konoha 12. She was great friends with Ino and the rest of the girls. Kiba's older sister, Hana had met Kankuro and the 2 had instantly clicked, they had gotten married 6 months ago, Both of them were anbu and didn't want to have kids yet. Hana had moved to Suna after the wedding, Her like Hinata often came and visited.

Chouji had finally found the perfect girl for him, Ayame, the daughter of the owner of Ichiraku ramen. Chouji was often seen there, talking to his girlfriend, He was now in Anbu. Both were thinking of getting married soon.

The last couple to get together were Lee and Sakura, After she got over Sasuke, she found her green beast waiting for her. Lee had proceded to ask her out and she had agreed, she had had a great time and both of them were in love. She had convinced Lee to get out of the spandex and change his hairstyle and cut his eyebrows. So now he looked normal, except that he still shouted about Youth.

Sakura has taken over Tsunade's position as head of the hospital, while Lee worked as an anbu captain like the other captains Neji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Tenten, Ino and often met up each week at the dance club downtown, where they caught up and danced the night away.

Naru was the only one who was still single, she was still waiting for Sasuke to come back, She was able to survive thanks to her friends. She had become the Anbu captain commander and was in line to be the rokudaime Hokage, she was known throughout the world, they called her Yellow goddess, since her hair was yellow, and their were talks of her beauty.

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