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Summary: Three wise men and three morons have made Kakashi into the man he is today and he wouldn't have it any other way. Kakashi's life, cannon-verse as much as possible with the simple substitution of a female Naruto.

/inˈevitəbəl/: certain to happen; unavoidable

When Sensei tells him that he and that crazy, loud woman with the blood colored hair are having a baby, Kakashi can't help but internally wince.

He feels guilty about it, but he can't be happy. This upsets everything. Sensei expects him to be happy, or, at the very least, interested. But Kakashi really, truly, wants nothing to do with the matter. Kakashi has worked so very hard to achieve the balance he has currently struck in his life. Kakashi keeps all the people he knows at just the right distance, and occasionally, lets the few important ones stay only so close to him.

A baby means Sensei won't have time to be so close, he'll need to turn his attention elsewhere, to another needy creature. Kakashi has already had to share Sensei with Obito and Rin…and now that hot-tempered woman with the bright red hair. Now he has to figure out how to balance everyone all over again. He's quite irritated with the whole process.

He's especially irritated when that…insane…woman tells him to think of her like an older sister and keeps dragging him shopping for the yet-to-be-born Nuisance. Really, as if Kakashi would let anyone dictate their role in his life. Kakashi will figure out what to think of her in his own damn time, thank you very much.

He can't hide all of his feelings from Sensei, though. The man is too smart. He just laughs and catches Kakashi with one broad arm, mussing Kakashi's hair as if Kakashi was still a five year old academy graduate.

"You'll like having teammates eventually, Kakashi. You'll like Kushina eventually, Kakashi. You'll like the baby eventually, Kakashi. They'll get to be your family Kakashi, it's just the way life works. Just wait for that moment when you realize this kid thinks that you hang the moon. You'll understand then."

Understand what? Kakashi wants to ask. Understand that you need to work even harder because one more life depends on you? Understand that you've let one more person get so close that it will feel like your heart is being shredded with a cheese grater every time you even think that something could happen to them? Understand that you've acquired yet another weakness you're going to have to overcome? Kakashi, just venturing forth into his teen years, is skeptical of his sensei's words…and feels a little guilty that he can't just believe in Sensei's wise teachings the way his teammates do.

But, Sensei is a smart man. So Kakashi isn't too surprised that the man turns out to be right about almost everything. Kakashi comes to like his teammates, both the stupid one with the bad habits and taste in eyewear and the little giggling thing who has no hope of ever shaping up to be a decent sparring partner. Kakashi learns to like Kushina, especially her cooking and that annoying habit of ferreting out his hiding spots when he doesn't truly want to hide. Kakashi even learned to like the baby, somewhere in between painting the nursery yellow (not orange) and watching the new shade Sensei's face takes on when Sensei's Sensei ribs him about how he hopes the baby takes after Kushina because he'll be needing new inspiration in about fifteen years.

But, while Sensei is a smart man, he's not a perfect man, and inevitably he's wrong about one thing. And when Kakashi can't breathe because his father is gone, Obito's gone, Rin's gone, and Kyuubi is here which means that Kushina is gone because he's not stupid and he knows what all the hushed talk has been about—and then Sensei is gone and there is no one left because of that…that, that—thing that will never be family. Ever.

So, he joins ANBU because when Death takes everyone you care about the only way you'll get them back is if you dance a little closer. Inevitably, he'll dance too close one day. He should feel guilty that the idea appeals to him, but he doesn't.

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