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by: Kaze wind

Naru was getting pretty sick of hearing Neji rant on and on about how weak Hinata was and how she was destined to always be weak, so she did the only thing she could think of to shut him up. Naru tapped on the Hyuuga's shoulder.

"What?" he snapped irritably, turning to face the blonde. The moment he did she placed her hands on each of his shoulders and pressed her lips against his.

Hinata gasped in surprise, Sakura smiled, thinking that 1) they kinda looked cute together and 2) now she wouldn't have to share Sasuke, and as for the Uchiha himself...

Sasuke stared in horror. The Uchiha could swear he heard the world come to a screeching halt around him.

Naru broke away from Neji, smirking evilly. Neji stared at her, mouth agape.

"Was that part of your destiny?" Naru asked, smiling seductively.

"Uh, er, uh..."

Hinata actually started laughing. This was the first, and probably the last, time she'd ever seen Neji speechless.

Naru turned her back to Neji and walked over to her teammates, waving him off as she did.

"See ya later," she chirped teasingly. Neji blushed and lightly touched his lips, blushing profusly. The Byakugan weilder didn't fail to notice the death glare Sasuke shot him before leaving.

"Why did you do it?"
Naru looked at Sasuke in confusion, still slurping up some ramen noodles. It was later that same day, and Sasuke and Naru were at the ramen stand together. Sakura had wanted to eat dinner with her family, so it was just the two of them.

"Why'd I do what?" Naru asked ignorantly, noticing that Sasuke didn't even look at her as he spoke.

"Why did you kiss Neji?"

"Just sick of hearing him talk," Naru answered, shrugging. She finished the last of her noodles and drank the broth left in the bowl. "One more please!"

"So you just did it to shut him up?" Sasuke asked, heart pounding in releif.

"Yep, pretty much," the blonde answered, slurping down more ramen, "Why? Did it bother you?" Sasuke blushed.


Naru stared wide eyed at Sasuke's brash reaction. Suddenly a knowing smile graced her face.

"What?" the Uchiha snapped.

"Oh, nothing," Naru sighed, turning back to her noodles. Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing, huh?"

"Absolutely nothing," Naru confirmed, "I just never thought that the great Uchiha heir would become jealous."

Sasuke practically choked on his ramen.

"I. Am. Not. Jealous," the Sharingan weilder hissed.

"Suuuuuuuuure you're not," the blonde replied in a singsong voice, smirking playfully.

"I'm not!" Sasuke insisted.

"Then what's with the blush?"

That comment only caused Sasuke to blush harder.

"See? There it is," Naru joked, pointing to the pale boy.

"You're such a dobe."


Naru sucked down more noodles. Sasuke left his own bowl well alone.

"Hey Sasuke."

The Uchiha turned to his teammate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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