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Naruto had never been good with feelings.

Most of the time, she shoved unidentifiable emotions down where they couldn't bother her. Sometimes she even imagined Kurama taking them away, hiding them so they wouldn't ever come to her attention again.

So she put on her happy front, and smiled at everything that garnered even the slightest bit of her attention.

Because even though all the villagers looked upon her with respect and had lauded her with the title of hero, the idea that she held ever since she was a child was still stuck in her head. What kind of fool looks upon their Hokage, a beautiful, smiling woman and thinks demon?

"Everybody's coupled up but us! Sakura-chan and Sasuke-teme; Kiba-kun and Hinata-chan; Shikamaru-kun and Temari-chan; Tenten-chan and Neji; Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei; Iruka-nii and Crazy Snake Lady; Chouji-kun and Karui-chan; Shino-kun and that civilian girl whose name I can never remember; Lee-kun and Ayame-nee; Gai-sensei and Shizune-chan; Tsunade-baa and Ero-sennin; even Ino-chan and Sai which has to be, like, the weirdest pairing ever, but that's besides the point dattebayo!"

Naruto slammed her bottle of saké down on the bar table. She didn't much like the taste of it (orange juice was much better), and she couldn't get drunk (damn fox), but she liked having excuses to do stupid things, so nobody needed to know that.

"I am a hot young woman, I have a great personality, and I'm a powerful Kunoichi to boot! Men should be bowing at my feet! Oh, and you're not too bad either, Kakashi-sensei."

Kakashi, who had been sitting beside her on the bar stool trying to tune her out while reading his book, grunted noncommittally.

"I haven't had sex in months! Months, Kakashi! I'm dying here!" she ranted, pouting at him. Kakashi's cheeks flushed pink behind his mask, but he had no other reaction than to flip a page in his book."It's not that I'm not hot, is it? Have I grown fat sitting in the office doing paperwork all day? Are my boobs too small?"

Kakashi took his face out of his book for a moment to scan his eyes over Naruto, then turned back to reading, "Nope, you're good."

"Then why can't I land a date?! I thought that all men men wanted was a hot woman to sleep with! Well, I'm hot, and I'm a woman, so why won't they sleep with me?" Naruto poked her drinking partner in the arm, "Kakashi-sensei, you're a man, tell me what's happening!"

"It appears that the men of Konoha have lost their libido," Kakashi said dryly.

"No, that can't be true," Naruto said, Kakashi's sarcasm flying over her head, "Sakura was telling Ino and I just the other day about how she and Sasuke-"

"I'm going to stop you there. You're going into the area of things that I'd rather not know about," he held up his hand the the universal sign for stop.

"Oh, right. Gomen. Anyways, Sai won't stop calling me Tomato. I set him on Tora the demon-cat missions for the next month in revenge. Hey, do you think that I'm putting people off because of my red hair? Or maybe because it's so long?" Naruto questioned, running her hands through her pigtails.

"No. I think your hair is nice," Kakashi said.

"Hm, maybe time for a change in my shampoo," Naruto muttered.

Kakashi pouted. He like the way her hair smelled.

"Oh shit! It's four o'clock already?" Naruto said, jumping out of her stool, "I gotta go, or I'm going to be late for my meeting, dattebayo! Thanks for the talk, Kakashi-sensei!"

"Anytime," Kakashi said, smiling faintly.

Naruto rushed out of the bar, oblivious to the eyes of all the men following her exit.

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