𝕭𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊|𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐮|

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Blind Date

Naruto stood in the dressing room of one of the largest boutique in Konoha, modelling for Sakura and Ino who have all but dragged her away for a shopping trip.

"Alright, you just need to turn up tomorrow and everything will be perfect!" Sakura gushed, turning Naruto around in the pretty red dress that she had just tried on.

"But Sakura-chaaan!" Naruto wailed. "I really don't want to do this," she pouted, fiddling with the hem of the red dress petulantly.

Ino swatted her hands away from the dress. "Stop that, you'll ruin the dress. Besides you promised, you don't want to go back on your word now, do you?"

Naruto gave the two girls a glare. "That's because you didn't tell me that it was a blind date that I'm agreeing to!"

"Details, details," Ino waved away her concern.

"Now, go change out the dress so we can pay for this," Sakura ordered.

"I hate you both," Naruto grumbled as she turned back into the changing room.

"Love you too, Naruto," Ino sang sweetly.

"You think this will work?" Sakura asked Ino quietly, once Naruto had disappeared out of sight.

"I don't think. I know this will work," the blond-haired girl stated confidently. "Those two are made for each other."

If you say so," Sakura replied, not looking too convinced.

"Of course, nothing ever fails in this Yamanaka's matchmaking services."


Naruto walked apprehensively into the restaurant that she is meeting her blind date, clad in the pretty red dress she had tried on for Sakura and Ino the day before, and a pair of matching heels. She let her eyes roam across the establishment, hoping to get an inkling of who her blind date is. A shock of silver hair caught her attention, and she had a sneaking suspicion she know who exactly her friends had set her up with. With a resigned sigh, she walked apprehensively towards the occupied table.

"Um Kakashi-sensei?" she timidly asked the tuxedo-clad man.

Kakashi turned towards the voice. "Naruto," he greeted, taking in the sight of Naruto in girly clothes, before shooting her a sharp look that she understood too well.

She fidgeted uncomfortably under his intense stare. "Um, are you actually my blind date?"

"It appears so," Kakashi deadpan.

"Um, right." Came the awkward reply. She sat down. "You look nice," she began awkwardly, grasping at straws for a conversation starter. 'What do people talk about on blind dates anyway?' she thought frantically, mind turning up blank.

Kakashi eyed her once more, his eyes taking in her red dress, then her heels to the light make-up on her face. "You look nice too," he said dryly.

Naruto swallowed nervously and fought not to squirm in her seat. "Sooo, what are we going to do today?" she asked, hoping to change the subject.

Kakashi gave her a look. "Well, since our friends have so generously arranged the day for us, I though we should reward them for their effort by enjoying ourselves to the best don't you think?" he said, waving a hand to call a waiter over for their orders. "What would you like, Naruto? I hear that the steak here is good, with beef bred and imported from the beautiful mountains of Kaminari no Kuni? Or perhaps some seafood from the lovely Nami no Kuni?" He eye-smiled at Naruto.

Naruto gave a small huff of relief and smiled brilliantly at her sensei, glad that the tension had finally dissipated. Her eyes twinkled in amusement at his suggestion, reflecting the mischievous (and evil) glint that showed in his eyes. "How about a little bit of both? It's so rare that we get to come to such a restaurant, so I'm thinking we should get a full course meal, don't you think, sensei? Ooh the foie gras and caviar looks nice, let's get us some of that!"

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