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You throw a couple of glances around the room before taking a seat, realising you haven't been in Koko's room yet since you moved in.

The lighting seemed to be dimmer than in the living room, the large window in front of the bed letting in most of the light through the view of the city lights.

" Why'd you do that for? " You sigh, your eyes slightly squinting adjusting to the lighting while you awkwardly take a seat on the bed.

When he continues to stay silent, your head tilts towards him as you get more comfortable, your back resting against the white leather backboard.

He gives you a soft smile, it was weird though. Probably the most genuine one you've seen yet, his skin seemed to almost glow as his dark eyes locked with yours.

" It just happened " He shrugs nonchalantly, softy running a hand through his white hair,

" I know this whole thing is a pain in the ass so -" He pauses slightly and you noticed the change in his tone, his smile slowly fading before he clears his throat,

" If you want to leave, the offer's still up ... you know? " His voice was softer, almost coming out as a whisper.

You couldn't really muster the right words to say.

It felt like no matter what you'll say it'll be wrong either way so you decided it's best if you change the subject. After all, the offer was never an offer to you in the first place, you didn't consider leaving.

" It's not about that, I just want to know the reason for all this " Reaching out to grab a pillow on his bed, you laid down, resting your head on your arm.

He lets out a dry laugh and it becomes clear to you he didn't quite know why either. Or maybe he did and he was just that good at hiding it.

" When my dad told me you'd be coming, I was a bit irritated to say the least " Koko confesses, sinking his body further into the bed. You smile and nod knowing that you felt the same way.

" That night though, you got drunk off a few shots and- " He chuckles softly as you throw a light punch his way, inevitably finding yourself inching closer to him.

" -and like an idiot, I couldn't say no when you asked to come " Continuing his rambling, his hand inches closer to yours and you couldn't help but feel your face grow slightly hotter when the tips of your fingers touched.

It comes naturally to you, twisting your wrists so your palms are facing the ceiling as he begins to brush his fingers along yours.

Each touch of his was delicate and soft, almost like you were a piece of glass that was close to shattering.

You feel your anger fade away as he grows more nervous, his words beginning to make less sense and his eye contact breaking to focus on your hands instead, the action making you smile to yourself.

Although you kissed before, and you sat on his lap and had sexual tension, you couldn't help but feel that this is the closest the two of you have been yet.

It was intimate and awkward, but in a sweet way, you did not expect from a man that gives off such a cold demeanour.

Inhaling deeply, he finishes off his senseless explanation, " I felt the need to make up some shit in order to protect you that night, and it lead to this I gue- "

The words got stuck in his throat once you reached up for his hand, suddenly interlocking your fingers with his.

You brush your thumb over his gently, the action making him look back up into your eyes nervously.

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