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You take a step inside the house, hearing chatter coming from the meeting room - hearing Senju and Koko's voices.

" I'm home " You let out loud enough to echo, slowly approaching the meeting room alongside Sanzu.

Senju calls out your name loudly and a smile instantly forms on your face as you enter the room, smoke clouding your vision.

You're instantly pulled into a tight hug making Sanzu chuckle and you wrap your arms around Senju, letting your head fall on her shoulder.

" You missed me ? " You grin, to which Senju parts from you and punches you in the shoulder with a tense expression.

" What the fuck were you thinking ? Why was i the last one to know ? " She crosses her arms and you smile apologetically.

" I didn't wanna" Your words trail off looking towards the sofa, your eyes falling on Koko's tired complexion gazing up at you.

On the small coffee table lay an ashtray, filled to the brim with cigarette butts. The smoke was coming from Koko, you watch him place his cheek in his hand as he inhales another hit.

You could feel your heart sink.

" Nice outfit " His voice is hoarse, he didn't get any sleep and you could tell by the eye bags forming under his eyes.

You immediately step beside Senju, snatching the cigarette from his hand and pressing it on the ashtray with a worried glare.

" You look like shit " You scoff, crossing your arms making him let out a chuckle. A tired one, forced.

Senju and Sanzu leave the room quietly closing the door behind them, and you're soon pulled forward by the waist with Koko letting his head nuzzle on your stomach.

" You smell like Sanzu " Koko bites back and you shake your head with a sigh, slowly moving to sit on his lap.

" Yeah ,well, it's his clothes " You mumble, not knowing what to do once Koko's head falls in the crook of your neck - his hands clinging onto you tightly.

" I couldn't sleep, take a nap with me " He mutters into your shoulder.

" We need to talk " You try to make it sound softer, but Koko groans, breaking out into tired laughter.

" I missed you - i don't care if something happened between you and Sanzu " His voice breaks and you frown, anger bubbling up inside you at that thought.

He thinks this is about Sanzu?!

" ...I don't even wanna know, have mercy on me - a few hours " His whole body seemed shaky, and his last words were coming out trembling.

" Hajime " You try to shake him off, instead feeling instant regret once a sniffle reaches your ears.

" Are you ... "


You've never seen him cry before. Is this to get pity out of you? Does he feel guilty ? Is he trying to deflect ?

It works, nonetheless, it fucking works.

" Tired " Is the one word that manages to come out, and so you give in. Just a few hours.

You lay on top of him on the sofa, his arms still clinging to you like a small child's and you stay silent, watching him drift to sleep in an instant.

A sigh leaves your lips feeling his grip loosen on your body, and you raise your hand to wipe the corner of his eye.

Your chest hurts at the sight, and you hate yourself for it.

Why must every man in your life at some point lie to you ? They always make it so hard for you.

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